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[英]ReactJS: How do I sort an array of objects based on value of props?

I have an array of React objects and I want to sort them based on value of one of their props. 我有一个React对象数组,我想根据其中一个道具的值对它们进行排序。

var arr=[];
arr[0] = <Fruit name="orange" count={10}/>
arr[1] = <Fruit name"apple" count={5}/>

Is there built in React function that I can use to sort this array in ascending order of fruit count ? 是否内置了React函数,我可以使用它来按照水果count升序对此数组进行排序?

React does not have a built in function to handle this (that I know of), but you could use something like lodash to achieve what you want. React没有内置函数来处理这个(我知道),但你可以使用像lodash这样的东西来实现你想要的。 I would also suggest that you change the structure of your data slightly. 我还建议您稍微更改数据结构。 Have a look at the example below. 看看下面的例子。

// your data comes in like this  
var arr = [
    {name: "orange", count: 10}, 
    {name: "apple", count: 5},
    {name: "lemon", count: 11},
    {name: "grape", count: 2}

// order by ascending
var newArr = _.sortBy(arr, 'count', function(n) {
  return Math.sin(n);

// create your components
var fruits = newArr.map(function(fruit) {
      <Fruit name={fruit.name} count={fruit.count} />

Here is a fiddle to illustrate the sorting function input and output 是一个小提琴,用于说明排序功能的输入和输出

If you want to sort depending on multiple fields:- //using lodash 如果要根据多个字段进行排序: - //使用lodash

sortingFunction(arrayTobeSorted) {
let sortedResults = sortBy(arrayTobeSorted, function(e) {
return [e.field1.trim().toUpperCase(), e.field2.trim().toUpperCase()];

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