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Clickbank IPN版本6 PHP / Laravel

[英]Clickbank IPN version 6 PHP / Laravel

I am trying to create an IPN listener for Clickbank but so far i have not been successful. 我正在尝试为Clickbank创建IPN侦听器,但到目前为止我还没有成功。

I used the code example listed on the clickbank site: https://support.clickbank.com/entries/22803622-Instant-Notification-Service 我使用了clickbank网站上列出的代码示例: https : //support.clickbank.com/entries/22803622-Instant-Notification-Service

// NOTE: the mcrypt libraries need to be installed and listed as an available extension in
// your phpinfo() to be able to use this method of decryption.
$secretKey = "YOUR SECRET KEY"; // secret key from your ClickBank account
 // get JSON from raw body...
$message = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'));
// Pull out the encrypted notification and the initialization vector for
// AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding decryption
$encrypted = $message->{'notification'};
$iv = $message->{'iv'};
error_log("IV: $iv");
// decrypt the body...
$decrypted = trim(mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128,
                                 substr(sha1($secretKey), 0, 32),
                                 base64_decode($iv)), "\0..\32");
error_log("Decrypted: $decrypted");
// convert the decrypted string to a JSON object...
$order = json_decode($decrypted);
// Ready to rock and roll - If the decoding of the JSON string wasn't successful,
// then you can assume the notification wasn't encrypted with your secret key.

For ipn v4 i managed to get a verified confirmation for the ipn tester, and save the output in my logs. 对于ipn v4,我设法获得了ipn测试仪的经过验证的确认,并将输出保存在我的日志中。 But for v6, i can't even save the output to the log files. 但是对于v6,我什至无法将输出保存到日志文件中。 It seems like clickbank is not even sending anything. 看来Clickbank甚至都没有发送任何东西。 Their documentation is vague, i'm wondering if this code should be working in the first place. 他们的文档含糊不清,我想知道这段代码是否应该首先起作用。

Does anybody have experience with this? 有人对此有经验吗? Should i return anything other than response 200? 除响应200外,我还应该返回其他内容吗?

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

There are couple of things you can do which worked pretty well with my code. 您可以做几件与我的代码配合得很好的事情。 (1) PHP Version - If you are on PHP 7+ then try changing it to PHP 5.6 (2) Use $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA instead of file_get_contents (I know file_get_contents is better but use alternative when its not working) (1)PHP版本-如果您使用的是PHP 7+,则尝试将其更改为PHP 5.6(2)使用$ HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA而不是file_get_contents(我知道file_get_contents更好,但是在无法使用时使用替代方法)

Here is the code to try, $secretKey = "Your Secrety Key"; 这是尝试的代码,$ secretKey =“您的秘密钥匙”;

// get JSON from raw body...
//$message = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'));

$message = $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA;
$message = json_decode($message, true);
$messageString = http_build_query($message);    //converts associative array in to string
error_log("message string: $messageString");
$encrypted = $message['notification'];
$iv = $message['iv'];
error_log("IV: $iv");

// decrypt the body...
$decrypted = trim(openssl_decrypt(base64_decode($encrypted),'AES-256-CBC',substr(sha1($secretKey), 0, 32),OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, base64_decode($iv)), "\0..\32");

error_log("Decrypted: $decrypted");

////UTF8 Encoding, remove escape back slashes, and convert the decrypted string to a JSON object...
$sanitizedData = utf8_encode(stripslashes($decrypted));
$jsonDecodeData = json_decode($decrypted, true);
$jsonDecodeDataString = http_build_query($jsonDecodeData);

function ipnVerification() {
    $secretKey="YOUR SECRET KEY";
    $pop = "";
    $ipnFields = array();
    foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
        if ($key == "cverify") {
        $ipnFields[] = $key;
    foreach ($ipnFields as $field) {
        // if Magic Quotes are enabled $_POST[$field] will need to be
        // un-escaped before being appended to $pop
        $pop = $pop . $_POST[$field] . "|";
    $pop = $pop . $secretKey;
    $calcedVerify = sha1(mb_convert_encoding($pop, "UTF-8"));
    $calcedVerify = strtoupper(substr($calcedVerify,0,8));
    return $calcedVerify == $_POST["cverify"];


You can use this to get your IPN verified. 您可以使用它来验证您的IPN。 It will work very well 效果很好

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