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[英]How to data-bind with Razor and Knockout

I'm trying to set a Knockout-bound function's parameter with Razor. 我正在尝试使用Razor设置一个Knockout绑定函数的参数。 I've tried... 我试过了...

<a href="#" data-bind="click: function() { return myFunc(@Type.SomeType.ToString()); }">
    Click Me

and.. 和..

<a href="#" data-bind="click: function() { return myFunc(@Html.Raw(Type.SomeType.ToString())); }">
    Click Me

and.. 和..

<a href="#" data-bind="click: function() { return myFunc('@Html.Raw(Type.SomeType.ToString())'); }">
    Click Me

and.. 和..

<a href="#" data-bind="click: function() { return myFunc('@(Html.Raw(Type.SomeType.ToString()))'); }">
    Click Me

Is there a right way to do this? 有正确的方法吗?

(Background: this is for use in a bootstrap dropdown) (背景:这是在引导下拉菜单中使用的)

You can try to surround data-bind attribute with single quotes ( ' ) and pass the parameter using Json.Encode . 您可以尝试将data-bind属性用单引号( ' )括起来,并使用Json.Encode传递参数。

Full example: 完整示例:

    // A string with a lot of special characters
    string myStr = "abc\"\\/'#{}@.:xyz";

<span data-bind='click: function() { myFunc(@Json.Encode(myStr)); }'>
    Click Me

<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/knockout/3.3.0/knockout-debug.js"></script>
        myFunc: function (myParam) {

In your case it would be: 您的情况是:

<a href="#" data-bind='click: function() { return myFunc(@Json.Encode(Type.SomeType.ToString())); }'>
    Click Me

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