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[英]Convert Bytes to Percentage

I want to convert bytes to a percentage. 我想将字节转换为百分比。 The percentage will represent the total amount a file that has been uploaded. 该百分比将代表已上传文件的总数。

For example, I have: 例如,我有:

int64_t totalBytesSent
int64_t totalBytesExpectedToSend

I want to convert that into a percentage (float). 我想将其转换为百分比(浮动)。

I've tried this: 我已经试过了:

int64_t percentage = totalBytesSent/totalBytesExpectedToSend;

and this: 和这个:

[NSNumber numberWithLongLong:totalBytesSent];
[NSNumber numberWithLongLong:totalBytesExpectedToSend];
CGFloat = [totalBytesSent longLongValue]/[totalBytesExpectedToSend longLongValue];

I think I am missing something in trying to do 'byte-math'. 我想我在尝试做“字节运算”时缺少了一些东西。 Does anyone know how to convert bytes to a percentage? 有谁知道如何将字节转换为百分比?

As long as you divide one integer value (doesn't matter which size of integer) by a bigger integer value the result will always be 0. 只要将一个整数值(与整数的大小无关)除以较大的整数值,结果将始终为0。

Either multiply the totalBytesSent value with 100 before dividing if you don't need decimals or convert values to a floating point value before doing the division. 如果不需要小数,则在除之前将totalBytesSent值乘以100,或者在除之前将值转换为浮点值。

The following code will result in the percentage as a value between 0 and 100: 以下代码将导致百分比的值介于0到100之间:

int64_t percentage = totalBytesSent*100/totalBytesExpectedToSend;

You were close with: 您接近:

int64_t percentage = totalBytesSent/totalBytesExpectedToSend;

This would return a number between 0 and 1...but you're doing math with integers. 这将返回0到1之间的数字...但是您正在使用整数进行数学运算。 Cast one of them to a CGFloat , float , double , etc, then multiply it by 100, or multiply totalBytesSent by 100 before dividing if you don't want to do floating-point math: 如果不想进行浮点数学运算,则将其中之一转换为CGFloatfloatdouble等,然后将其乘以100,或将totalBytesSent乘以100,然后除以:

int64_t percentage = (double)totalBytesSent/totalBytesExpectedToSend * 100;    //uses floating point math, slower
int64_t percentage = totalBytesSent*100/totalBytesExpectedToSend;  //integer division, faster

Also, why are you using int64 for absolutely everything? 另外,为什么要对所有内容都使用int64 Do you really need to send exabytes of data? 您真的需要发送EB级数据吗? unsigned would probably be the best choice: unsigned可能是最佳选择:

unsigned totalBytesSent
unsigned totalBytesExpectedToSend

unsigned percentage = totalBytesSent*100/totalBytesExpectedToSend;

If you want a decimal point in your percentage, use floating-point math to divide and store the result in a floating-point type: 如果要在百分比中使用小数点,请使用浮点数学将结果除以并以浮点类型存储:

CGFloat percentage = totalBytesSent*100/totalBytesExpectedToSend;

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