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运行 awk 命令时打开的文件太多错误

[英]Too many open files error while running awk command

I am trying to split a big file based on a pattern.我正在尝试根据模式拆分一个大文件。 I am using awk command for this.我为此使用了 awk 命令。 After creating certain number of files it gives error: Too many open files.创建一定数量的文件后,它会出现错误:打开的文件太多。

Command is:命令是:

awk '/pattern here/{i++}{print > "file"i}' /input file

Can someone tell me how to close these files?有人能告诉我如何关闭这些文件吗? I tried following but it gives error.我尝试遵循但它给出了错误。

    awk '/pattern here/{i++}{print > "file"i}' /input file | close("file"i)


    awk '/pattern here/{close("file"i); i++}{print > "file"i}' InputFile

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