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加载里面的页面 <div> 或在网址上添加“?param =”

[英]load a page inside <div> or when “?param=” is added on url

i know the basics of loading a page or a file in a container frame via js or jQuery, but via event listener like onClick 我知道通过js或jQuery在容器框架中加载页面或文件的基本知识,但是通过事件监听器(如onClick)

JS - JS-

document.getElementById("id").innerHTML = "<object type = 'text/html' data = 'myfile.html'> </data>"



but what I want to achieve is the same as this but not just being loaded onClick in the container frame, but also add a parameter on the url, for example: 但我要实现的功能与此相同,但不仅要在容器框架中加载onClick ,还要在url上添加一个参数,例如:

if I click on a button, `webpage.html` will load on `<div>` container frame, and the `url` will change to `http://example.com/?loaded=webpage.html`

I wanted to do this, so I can either change the url string or press an element and load a certain file on the div container frame. 我想这样做,所以我可以更改url字符串或按一个element然后在div容器框架上加载某个文件。

the same principle goes as how facebook manages profile.php 相同的原理与facebook如何管理profile.php

http://facebook.com/profile.php?=mypersonalprofile - load my profile http://facebook.com/profile.php?=myfriendsprofile - load my friends profile http://facebook.com/profile.php?=mypersonalprofile加载我的个人资料http://facebook.com/profile.php?=myfriendsprofile加载我的朋友的个人资料

I hope I managed to deliver it clearly. 我希望我能清楚地传达它。

I think this would demonstrate what you looking for 我认为这将证明您在寻找什么

    <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script>
    <button class="loadButton" value="input1.txt">Load file 1</button>
    <button class="loadButton" value="input2.txt">Load file 2</button>
    <div id="view"></div>

        // Call loadPage on init

        $(".loadButton").on("click", function(){

                // Change URL, you can change "/testJS/index.html" to suit your web address
                history.pushState({}, "", "/testJS/index.html?loaded=" + $(this).attr("value"));

        function loadPage() {
            var href = window.location.href;
            var index = href.indexOf("?loaded=");

            // Load data if we define the loaded param
            if (index > -1) {
                data = href.substring(index + 8);
                console.log(index + "   " + data);

You need to combine the solutions from Get url parameter jquery Or How to Get Query String Values In js and Modify the URL without reloading the page . 您需要结合“ 获取URL参数jquery”或“如何在js中获取查询字符串值”中的解决方案,并在不重新加载页面的情况下修改URL

You can set the page with 您可以使用

history.pushState({}, "", "/mainpage.html?loaded=webpage.html");

Then, if they change the url some other way (which will require the page to reload), you can get the parameter from the url and load it: 然后,如果他们以其他方式更改了网址(这将需要重新加载页面),则可以从网址中获取参数并进行加载:

var myfile = getUrlParameter("loaded");

The getUrlParameter function is defined as: getUrlParameter函数定义为:

var getUrlParameter = function getUrlParameter(sParam) {
    var sPageURL = decodeURIComponent(window.location.search.substring(1)),
        sURLVariables = sPageURL.split('&'),

    for (i = 0; i < sURLVariables.length; i++) {
        sParameterName = sURLVariables[i].split('=');

        if (sParameterName[0] === sParam) {
            return sParameterName[1] === undefined ? true :    sParameterName[1];

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