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[英]Google Charts: Adding stroke to points

I wish to add a stroke around the points in my Google line chart. 我希望在Google折线图中的点周围添加笔触。

From the points-documentation of Google Charts (bottom) we have that: 从Google图表的要点文档 (底部)中,我们可以得出:

The following style customizations are available: [...] - stroke-color (Specified as a hex string.) - stroke-width (Specified as a hex string.) 可以使用以下样式自定义:[...]-笔触颜色(指定为十六进制字符串。)-笔划宽度(指定为十六进制字符串)。

I can't find the documentation of how to add these options. 我找不到有关如何添加这些选项的文档。 Anyone, who can figure it out? 任何人,谁能弄清楚?

Borrowing from one of google's examples ( see https://jsfiddle.net/j9sgdr4d/ ) 从Google的一个示例中借用(请参阅https://jsfiddle.net/j9sgdr4d/

var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable
        ([['X', 'Y', {'type': 'string', 'role': 'style'}],
          [1, 3, null],
          [2, 2.5, null],
          [3, 3, null],
          [4, 4, null],
          [5, 4, 'point { size: 18; shape-type: star; fill-color: #a52714'],
          [6, 3, 'point { size: 18; shape-type: star; fill-color: #a52714; stroke-color: #ff0000; stroke-width: 5'],
          [7, 2.5, null],
          [8, 3, null]


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