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[英]File download with Alamofire

I'm downloading a file to a custom file path like this: 我正在将文件下载到这样的自定义文件路径:

let tempFilePath = self.makeTempFilePath()
Alamofire.download(.GET, downloadURL) { temporaryURL, response in
    return tempFilePath

How do I know when the download is complete and the success/failure status? 我如何知道下载何时完成以及成功/失败状态? I tried responseData closure but result parameter always appears as "failure". 我尝试了responseData关闭,但result参数始终显示为“失败”。

I'm afraid that you can do is use the Downloading a File w/Progress explained in the documentation of Alamofire like the following: 恐怕您只能使用Alamofire文档中说明的“ 下载带有进度的文件”,如下所示:

Alamofire.download(.GET, "http://httpbin.org/stream/100", destination: destination)
     .progress { bytesRead, totalBytesRead, totalBytesExpectedToRead in

         // This closure is NOT called on the main queue for performance
         // reasons. To update your ui, dispatch to the main queue.
         dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue) {
             print("Total bytes read on main queue: \(totalBytesRead)")
     .responseData { response in

With the above code you can know the totalBytesExpectedToRead and the totalBytesRead and in part know the difference between both to check if the file was downloaded or not. 通过上面的代码,您可以知道totalBytesExpectedToReadtotalBytesRead并且可以部分了解两者之间的区别,以检查文件是否已下载。

In any case you can use too the Accessing Resume Data for Failed Downloads explained in the Alamofire doc in any case of failure during the download process. 在任何情况下,如果在下载过程中发生任何失败,您都可以使用Alamofire文档中说明的访问失败下载的继续数据

I hope this help you. 希望对您有所帮助。

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