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Grails 3拦截器作为插件

[英]Grails 3 Interceptors as a plugin

I'm trying to convert a Grails 2 controller filter into a Grails 3 interceptor. 我正在尝试将Grails 2控制器过滤器转换为Grails 3拦截器。 The interceptor is in a Grails plugin. 拦截器位于Grails插件中。 The Grails 3 upgrade is done, and when I copy and paste the code into an app (just to verify it works), then I see the output from the interceptor. Grails 3升级已完成,当我将代码复制并粘贴到应用程序中(只是为了验证它是否有效)时,我会看到拦截器的输出。

However, if I try to pull in that code through a plugin to the app, the interceptors do not run. 但是,如果我尝试通过插件将该代码插入应用程序,则拦截器不会运行。 I can verify that the plugin is being pulled; 我可以验证插件是否已被拉出; its interceptors are just not being invoked when I hit an action. 当我点击一个动作时,它的拦截器不会被调用。

For example if the plugin is: 例如,如果插件为:

// If added to app directly, works fine. As plugin, not invoked.
class SimpleInterceptor {
    SimpleInterceptor() {

    boolean before() {
      println 'test' // Does not print if using plugin

And the controller is a simple action: 控制器是一个简单的动作:

def index() {
   render 'success'

Do I need to register it somehow in order for the interceptor to work on apps? 我需要以某种方式注册它以便拦截器在应用程序上工作吗? Am I missing a step? 我错过了一步吗?

Thanks to @vahid for pointing out a repo that was doing something similar. 感谢@vahid指出了执行类似操作的存储库。 Turns out the issue I had was when I upgraded my plugin's *Plugin.groovy file, I didn't extend grails.plugins.Plugin . 原来是我升级插件的*Plugin.groovy文件时没有扩展grails.plugins.Plugin Be sure to do that, or the plugin may not get picked up by apps. 请务必这样做,否则插件可能不会被应用程序接收。

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