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[英]PHP: creating select options from MYSQL database?

I'm trying to create multiple select dropdowns from MYSQL database! 我正在尝试从MYSQL数据库创建多个选择下拉列表!

basically I need to create select dropdowns based on the given sub-categories and put every op_value related to that sub_cate_name under the created dropdown menu as options. 基本上我需要创建基于给定的子类别选择下拉列表,并把每op_value与该sub_cate_name创建的下拉菜单中作为选项下。

at the moment, my code creates the dropdowns and select options BUT it will put them in separate select dropdwons and all over the place. 目前,我的代码创建了下拉菜单并选择了选项,但是它将把它们放置在单独的选择下拉菜单中,并且遍布整个地方。

For example: if we have 2 sub_cate_name as Apples and 3 op_value as Reds, Greens, Yellows it will create 2 select dropdown menus and split them op_value which is (Reds, Greens, Yellows) as select options where ever it likes! 例如:如果我们有2个sub_cate_name作为Apples ,3个op_value作为Reds, Greens, Yellowsop_value Reds, Greens, Yellows它将创建2个select下拉菜单,并将op_value拆分为(Reds,Greens,Yellows)作为op_value选择的选择选项!

but i need it to make sure it creates 1 select dropdown as Apples and put ever op_value related to apples under the Apples dropdown as option! 但是我需要它来确保它创建1个选择下拉菜单作为Apples,并将与苹果相关的op_value放在Apples下拉菜单下作为选项!

This is code seems to have mind of its own as it works sometimes and it doesn't others! 这是代码似乎有自己的想法,因为有时它起作用,而其他人则没有!

this is the entire code: 这是完整的代码:

$drops ="";

$sql44 ="SELECT * FROM drop_options WHERE sub_cat_name='$currentproduct'";

$query44 = mysqli_query($db_conx, $sql44);
$productCount44 = mysqli_num_rows($query44);
if ($productCount44 > 0) 
    $op_name = '';
    $first = 0;

    while($row44 = mysqli_fetch_array($query44, MYSQLI_ASSOC))

            $op_value = $row44["op_value"];

            if($op_name != $row44["op_name"])
                    $drops .='</select></div>';

                $op_name = $row44["op_name"];

                $drops .='<div class="col-md-3 col-xs-12">
                <p class="margin-bottom-zero">'.$op_name.'</p>
                <select name="keyword[]" class="selectpicker">

                <option value="'.$op_value.'">'.$op_value.'</option>';
                $drops .= '<option value="'.$op_value.'">'.$op_value.'</option>';

            /*$first = 1;*/
    $drops ='';
$drops .='</select></div>';
echo $drops;

Could someone please advise on this issue? 有人可以建议这个问题吗?

any help would be appreciated. 任何帮助,将不胜感激。

EDIT: 编辑:

Okay, now i tried it this way and I can get the exact amount of the select drop downs created as it should: 好的,现在我以这种方式进行了尝试,我可以准确地获得创建的选择下拉列表的确切数量:

if($db_conx->connect_errno > 0){
    die('Unable to connect to database [' . $db_conx->connect_error . ']');

// Perform queries
$sql45 = "SELECT DISTINCT op_name FROM drop_options WHERE sub_cat_name='Custom Booklets";
$result45 = $db_conx->query($sql45);

//echo '<li class="product-types">';

foreach ($result45 as $menu45)
    // echo "<li>".$menu["cat_name"];
echo '<div class="col-md-3 col-xs-12">
                <p class="margin-bottom-zero">'.$menu45["op_name"].'</p>
                <select name="keyword[]" class="selectpicker">';

     //echo "<ul>";
    $menu_title45 = $menu45["sub_cat_name"];

    $sql455 = "SELECT * FROM drop_options WHERE op_name='".$menu45["op_name"]."'";    

    $result455 = $db_conx->query($sq455);
    foreach ($result455 as $submenu455)
        //echo "<li>".$submenu["sub_cat_name"]."</li>";

        echo '<option value="'.$submenu455["op_value"].'">'.$submenu455["op_value"].'</option>';
     echo "</select>";
     echo "</div>";

//echo "</ul>";

BUT i get no select options created at all Also i get this error: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in line 18 但是我根本没有创建任何选择选项。我也收到此错误: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in line 18

and this is on line 18 : foreach ($result45 as $menu45){ 这是第18行: foreach ($result45 as $menu45){

any idea what i'm doing wrong? 知道我在做什么错吗?

This is how you're code should look like- 这就是您的代码应该看起来像-

    // Perform queries
    $sql45 = "SELECT DISTINCT op_name FROM drop_options WHERE sub_cat_name='Custom Booklets'";
    $result45 = $db_conx->query($sql45);

    //echo '<li class="product-types">';

    while ($menu45 = mysqli_fetch_array($result45,MYSQLI_ASSOC))
        // echo "<li>".$menu["cat_name"];
        echo '<div class="col-md-3 col-xs-12">
            <p class="margin-bottom-zero">'.$menu45["op_name"].'</p>
            <select name="keyword[]" class="selectpicker">';

        //echo "<ul>";
        $menu_title45 = $menu45["sub_cat_name"];

        $sql455 = "SELECT * FROM drop_options WHERE op_name='".$menu45["op_name"]."'";

        $result455 = $db_conx->query($sql455);
        while($submenu455 = mysqli_fetch_array($result455,MYSQLI_ASSOC))
            //echo "<li>".$submenu["sub_cat_name"]."</li>";

            echo '<option value="'.$submenu455["op_value"].'">'.$submenu455["op_value"].'</option>';
        echo "</select>";
        echo "</div>";

    //echo "</ul>";

You may want to add if condition to check whether there are actually select options so you wont end up with an empty select. 您可能需要添加if条件,以检查是否确实存在选择选项,因此最终不会出现空选择。

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