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Java 8-初始化列表(列表)

[英]Java 8 - Initialising List (List)

I have a question concerning Java 8 and Lists. 我有一个关于Java 8和列表的问题。 Is it possible to initialise a List easier than my code below is? 是否有可能比我下面的代码更容易初始化列表?

final List<List<ScheduleIntervalContainer>> weekScheduler = new ArrayList<>();

weekScheduler.add(0, new ArrayList<ScheduleIntervalContainer>());
weekScheduler.add(1, new ArrayList<ScheduleIntervalContainer>());
weekScheduler.add(2, new ArrayList<ScheduleIntervalContainer>());
weekScheduler.add(3, new ArrayList<ScheduleIntervalContainer>());
weekScheduler.add(4, new ArrayList<ScheduleIntervalContainer>());
weekScheduler.add(5, new ArrayList<ScheduleIntervalContainer>());
weekScheduler.add(6, new ArrayList<ScheduleIntervalContainer>());

Personally I would just use a for loop: 我个人只是使​​用for循环:

List<List<ScheduleIntervalContainer>> weekScheduler = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
    weekScheduler.add(new ArrayList<>());

However, if you want a Java 8 solution: 但是,如果要使用Java 8解决方案:

List<List<ScheduleIntervalContainer>> weekScheduler 
        = Stream.generate(ArrayList<ScheduleIntervalContainer>::new)

You can use: 您可以使用:

List<List<ScheduleIntervalContainer>> weekScheduler = 
     IntStream.rangeClosed(0, 6).mapToObj(i -> new ArrayList<ScheduleIntervalContainer>())

This will create a Stream of int values going from 0 to 6 (included), map each of those ints to a new ArrayList of your class and collect the result to a List . 这将创建一个从0到6(包括)的int值流,将每个int映射到您的类的新ArrayList并将结果收集到List

You can use a loop or an IntStream. 您可以使用循环或IntStream。

final List<List<ScheduleIntervalContainer>> weekScheduler = new ArrayList<>();
IntStream.range(0, 7).forEach(day -> weekScheduler.add(new ArrayList<>()));

Whenever I code with lists, I use a for loop to speed up the declaration. 每当我用列表编码时,我都会使用for循环来加快声明速度。 In your case, I would heavily suggest a loop of any kind, but a for loop would probably be the easiest. 在您的情况下,我会大量建议任何一种循环,但是for循环可能是最简单的。

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