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消耗JSON-Shopify API响应

[英]Consume JSON - Shopify API response

I'm trying to work with what I think is a JSON response from Shopify. 我正在尝试使用Shopify的JSON响应。 It looks like this: 看起来像这样:

=> #<ActiveResource::Collection:0x007f61f45c3840
      "title"=>"Hue Women's Python Net Tight, Black, Small-Medium",
      "body_html"=>"Python pattern",
     @attributes={"id"=>2550138369, "product_id"=>2156425793, 
     "name"=>"Title", "position"=>1, "values"=>["First", "Second"]},
@original_params={:title=>"Hue Women's Python Net Tight"},

The response I get from searching for a product via the Shopify API is of the class: 通过Shopify API搜索产品得到的响应属于此类:


I first tried turning that to JSON with .to_json but thats just a string and I can't loop thru it easily. 我首先尝试使用.to_json将其转换为JSON,但这只是一个字符串,我无法轻松遍历它。

I then tried to turn it to an array with .to_a but now I can't get into the data.. 然后,我尝试使用.to_a将其转换为数组,但现在我无法进入数据。

The original response is in the x variable and now its an array.. If I try 原始响应位于x变量中,现在是一个数组。

x[0] - I get the original response back
x[1] - nil
X[0]["id] - NoMethodError: undefined method `[]' for 
x["id"] - TypeError: no implicit conversion of String into Integer
x[0][0] - NoMethodError: undefined method `[]' for 
x[0].class - Shopify::Product which is a ActiveResource::Collection
x[0].to_array - NoMethodError: undefined method `to_array' for 

The data you show is an array of Product instances. 您显示的数据是产品实例的数组。 Simply take the data, which I'll call data , and loop through it to get each product. 只需获取数据(我将其称为data ,然后遍历data以获取每种产品。

data.each do |product|

  puts product.title
  puts product.vendor


You can obviously extend your functionality from here. 您显然可以从这里扩展功能。

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