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[英]Python: How to nest plt.imshow() in a For loop?

I am a Pythonic newbie. 我是Pythonic新手。 I have a code which produces a 256x256 matrix and plots it by means of pyplot and plt.imshow() . 我有一个生成256x256矩阵的代码,并通过pyplotplt.imshow()对其进行了pyplot Now, I want to produce n subplots of the same 256x256 matrix by using a smaller matrix, this time 101x101, which serves as a moving window. 现在,我想通过使用较小的矩阵(这次是101x101)作为移动窗口来生成相同256x256矩阵的n个子图。 Visually, I would like to get something like this (after having decided the number of subplots and the locations of their origins. 从视觉上讲,我想得到这样的东西(确定了子图的数量及其起源位置之后)。

In the end, I would like to have a set of n+1 images plotted in separate figures : one for the 256x256 matrix, and n for the moving windows. 最后,我想有一组在不同的附图中绘出的n + 1个图像的:一个用于256×256矩阵,并且n为移动窗口。 The code I have right now boils all images down to one. 我现在拥有的代码将所有图像简化为一个。 As you can see here, in an attempt to plot n+1=3 matrices, there is just one matrix plotted, the last one, all my colorbars are stacked up, and my text strings are not readable. 如您在这里看到的,在尝试绘制n + 1 = 3个矩阵时,仅绘制了一个矩阵,最后一个矩阵,我所有的颜色条都堆积了,并且我的文本字符串不可读。

How can I nest the plt.imshow() call inside a for loop, so that Python gives me n+1 figures? 如何将plt.imshow()调用嵌套在for循环内,以便Python给我n + 1个数字? I hope to have made things clear here. 我希望在这里把事情弄清楚。 Thank you to anyone who will provide guidance! 谢谢任何提供指导的人!

This is my current code: 这是我当前的代码:

from __future__ import division #Avoids the floor of the mathematical result of division if the args are ints or longs
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as mc
import SSFM2D 
import random

#Parameter assignments
max_level=8               #This is the exponent controlling the grid size. In this case N=2^8=256. Use only integers.
sigma=1                   #Variation for random Gauss generation (standardised normal distribution)
H=0.8                     #Hurst exponent (0.8 is a recommended value for natural phenomena)
seed = random.random()    #Setting the seed for random Gauss generation
print ('The lattice size is '+str(N)+'x'+str(N))

#Lattice initialization

#Calling Spectral fBm function
Lattice=SSFM2D.SpectralSynthesisFM2D(max_level, sigma, H, seed, normalise=True, bounds=[0,1])

#Plotting the original 256x256 lattice
for i in range(0,256):
    for j in range(0,256):

#Normalizing the output matrix
print ('Original sum: '+str(round(M[-257:,-257:].sum(),3)))
M = M/M[-257:, -257:].max()       #Matrix normalization with respect to max

#Lattice statistics
print ('Normalized sum: '+str(round(M[-257:,-257:].sum(),3)))
print ('Normalized max: '+str(round(M[-257:,-257:].max(),3)))
print ('Normalized min: '+str(round(M[-257:,-257:].min(),3)))
print ('Normalized avg: '+str(round(M[-257:,-257:].mean(),3)))      

#Determining the footprint 
footprint=0 #Initializing the footprint count variable
for i in range(M.shape[0]):
    for j in range(M.shape[1]):
        if M[i][j]>0.15:     # Change here to set the failure threshold
print ('Event footprint: '+str(round(footprint*100/(256*256),2))+'%')

#Plotting the 256x256 "mother" matrix
plt.imshow(M[-257:,-257:].T, origin='lower',interpolation='nearest',cmap='Reds', norm=mc.Normalize(vmin=0,vmax=M.max()))
title_string=('Spatial Loading of a Generic Natural Hazard')
subtitle_string=('Inverse FFT on Spectral Synthesis')
plt.suptitle(title_string, y=0.99, fontsize=17)
plt.title(subtitle_string, fontsize=8)
#Making a custom list of tick mark intervals for color bar (assumes minimum is always zero)
numberOfTicks = 5
ticksListIncrement = M.max()/(numberOfTicks)
ticksList = []
for i in range((numberOfTicks+1)):
    ticksList.append(ticksListIncrement * i) 
plt.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=8)
plt.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=8)
cb=plt.colorbar(orientation='horizontal', format='%0.2f', ticks=ticksList)
plt.xlim(0, 255)
plt.xlabel('Easting (Cells)',fontsize=12) 
plt.ylim(255, 0)
plt.ylabel('Northing (Cells)',fontsize=12)
plt.annotate('fractional Brownian motion on a 256x256 lattice | H=0.8 | Dim(f)= '+str(3-H), xy=(0.5,0), xycoords=('axes fraction', 'figure fraction'), xytext=(0, 0.5), textcoords='offset points', size=10, ha='center', va='bottom')
plt.annotate('Max: '+str(round(M[-257:,-257:].max(),3))+' | Min: '+str(round(M[-257:,-257:].min(),3))+' | Avg: '+str(round(M[-257:,-257:].mean(),3))+' | Footprint: '+str(round(footprint*100/(256*256),2))+'%', xy=(0.5,0), xycoords=('axes fraction', 'figure fraction'), xytext=(0, 15), textcoords='offset points', size=10, ha='center', va='bottom')

#Producing the 101x101 image(s)
numfig=int(raw_input('Insert the number of 101x101 windows to produce: '))
x=0 #Counts the iterations towards the chosen number of images
for x in range (1,numfig+1):
    print('Image no. '+str(x)+' of '+str(numfig))
    north=int(raw_input('Northing coordinate (0 thru 155, integer): '))
    east=int(raw_input('Easting coordinate (0 thru 155, integer): '))
    for i in range(101):
        for j in range(101):
    #Writing X, Y and values to a .csv file from scratch
    import numpy
    import csv 
    with open('C:\\Users\\Francesco\\Desktop\\Python_files\\csv\\fBm_101x101_'+str(x)+'of'+str(numfig)+'.csv', 'w') as f: #Change directory if necessary
        writer = csv.writer(f)
        writer.writerow(['X', 'Y', 'Value'])
        for (x, y), val in numpy.ndenumerate(M):
            writer.writerow([x, y, val])  

    #Plotting the 101x101 "offspring" matrices
    plt.imshow(N[-101:,-101:].T, origin='lower',interpolation='nearest',cmap='Reds', norm=mc.Normalize(vmin=0,vmax=M.max()))
    title_string=('Spatial Loading of a Generic Natural Hazard')
    subtitle_string=('Inverse FFT on Spectral Synthesis | Origin in the 256x256 matrix: '+str(east)+' East; '+str(north)+' North')
    plt.suptitle(title_string, y=0.99, fontsize=17)
    plt.title(subtitle_string, fontsize=8)
    #Making a custom list of tick mark intervals for color bar (assumes minimum is always zero)
    numberOfTicks = 5
    ticksListIncrement = M.max()/(numberOfTicks)
    ticksList = []
    for i in range((numberOfTicks+1)):
        ticksList.append(ticksListIncrement * i) 
    plt.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=8)
    plt.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=8)
    cb=plt.colorbar(orientation='horizontal', format='%0.2f', ticks=ticksList)
    plt.xlim(0, 100)
    plt.xlabel('Easting (Cells)',fontsize=12) 
    plt.ylim(100, 0)
    plt.ylabel('Northing (Cells)',fontsize=12)
    plt.annotate('fractional Brownian motion on a 101x101 lattice | H=0.8 | Dim(f)= '+str(3-H), xy=(0.5,0), xycoords=('axes fraction', 'figure fraction'), xytext=(0, 0.5), textcoords='offset points', size=10, ha='center', va='bottom')
    plt.annotate('Max: '+str(round(N[-101:,-101:].max(),3))+' | Min: '+str(round(N[-101:,-101:].min(),3))+' | Avg: '+str(round(N[-101:,-101:].mean(),3))+' | Footprint: '+str(round(footprint*100/(101*101),2))+'%', xy=(0.5,0), xycoords=('axes fraction', 'figure fraction'), xytext=(0, 15), textcoords='offset points', size=10, ha='center', va='bottom')

The following code shows the main figure, and then it shows different "zoom" windows, according to the values of nx and ny . 以下代码显示了主要图形,然后根据nxny的值显示了不同的“缩放”窗口。

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import random

Lattice = np.random.normal(size=(256,256))

f = plt.imshow( Lattice )

nx = 4
ny = 2

for i in range(nx):
    for j in range(ny):
        f = plt.imshow( Lattice )
        f.axes.set_xlim( [ i*256/nx, (i+1)*256/nx ] )
        f.axes.set_ylim( [ j*256/ny, (j+1)*256/ny ] )

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