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[英]Jersey client bad request

I have below client code: 我有以下客户端代码:

String filePath = "/testzip/123/TEST-test.zip";
target = mainTarget.path("file").path("{filePath}");
Invocation.Builder invocationBuilder =  target
                .resolveTemplate("filePath", filePath)

Response response = invocationBuilder.get();

Below is my server code: 下面是我的服务器代码:

public Response get(@PathParam("filePath") String filePath) {
    File file = new File(filePath);
    return Response.status(Response.Status.OK).entity(file).build();

This client is throwing Bad Request exception while I send below filePath: 当我在filePath下面发送时,此客户端抛出Bad Request异常:

String filePath = "/testzip/123/TEST-test.zip";

But it is working fine when I send below filePath (simple string): 但是当我在filePath(简单字符串)下面发送时,它工作正常:

String filePath = "testzip";

I am not able to figure it out why it is not working when forward slash(/) is present in path parameters. 我无法弄清楚当路径参数中存在正斜杠(/)时为什么它不起作用。

I believe you cannot have / in a @PathParam by default. 我相信默认情况下, @PathParam不能包含/

EDIT Have a look here : Tomcat, JAX-RS, Jersey, @PathParam: how to pass dots and slashes? 编辑在这里看看: Tomcat,JAX-RS,Jersey,@ PathParam:如何传递点和斜杠?

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