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在与来自 Bluemix Node-RED 的传感器 IoT 设备交谈时,连接到 IoT Foundation 的原因是什么?

[英]When Talking to a sensor IoT device from Bluemix Node-RED, what is the reasoning for connecting to IoT Foundation?

I see in the recipes for Bluemix that when I connect my Arduino Uno up with a sensor, that it's asking me to use the catalog boiler plate for IoT foundation (IoTF) rather than just the Node-Red boilerplate.我在 Bluemix 的配方中看到,当我将 Arduino Uno 与传感器连接时,它要求我使用 IoT Foundation (IoTF) 的目录样板,而不仅仅是 Node-Red 样板。 What is the reasoning for this?这是什么原因? What more is IoTF providing? IoTF 还能提供什么? Is IoTF providing the MQTT broker? IoTF 是否提供 MQTT 代理? Anything else?还要别的吗? (note: I don't want to store any data, so don't want to pay for that) (注意:我不想存储任何数据,所以不想为此付费)

The difference between the two boiler plates is that the IoTF boiler plate comes with a example flow already deployed, and an instance of the IoTF service bound.两个样板之间的区别在于 IoTF 样板带有一个已经部署的示例流程,以及一个 IoTF 服务绑定的实例。

The IoTF service provides a shared MQTT broker and specifies topics to use so you do not clash with other users IoTF 服务提供共享 MQTT 代理并指定要使用的主题,因此您不会与其他用户发生冲突

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