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[英]show or make visible active tab

I have working code of bootstrap tabs. 我有引导选项卡的工作代码。 where I can add and delete the tabs. 我可以在其中添加和删除标签。 Also shows the arrow down when tabs are overflowed. 当选项卡溢出时,还会向下显示箭头。 so user can click on arrow to see how many tabs are available. 因此用户可以单击箭头查看有多少个选项卡可用。 Problems: 问题:

  1. when I click on tab from drop down menu it make it active but doesn't scroll to left. 当我从下拉菜单中单击选项卡时,它会变为活动状态,但不会向左滚动。 so that user can see active tab on top. 这样用户可以在顶部看到活动标签。
  2. add and delete buttons work. 添加和删​​除按钮起作用。 but when tabs are overflowed and it show new plus icon to add new add. 但是当标签溢出时,它会显示新的加号图标以添加新的添加。 then I can't delete. 那我就不能删除 (may b problem with DOM ready.) tried to do document on click. (可能是DOM准备就绪的问题。)试图在单击时做文档。 but that didn't work. 但这没用。
  3. Same when I try to delete tab from drop down menu its doesn't delete. 同样,当我尝试从下拉菜单中删除选项卡时也不会删除。

thank you... 谢谢...

Example Jsfiddle 示例Jsfiddle


 function chkPlusIcon() {
     setTimeout(function () {
         var pageWidth = $(".pull-left-db-nav-tabs").width();
         var lastElementLi = $(".db-nav-tabs");
         var elementWidth = $(lastElementLi).width();
         var elementLeft = $(lastElementLi).position().left;

         if (pageWidth - (elementWidth + elementLeft) < 0) {
             $('.pull-right-db-nav-tabs').css('display', 'block');
             if ($('.pull-right-db-nav-tabs-ul li') >= 1) {} else {
                 $('.db-nav-tabs > li').clone().appendTo('.pull-right-db-nav-tabs-ul');
             } /*  $('.add-tab-last').css('display','none');*/

         } else {
             console.log("doesn't overflow");
             $('.pull-right-db-nav-tabs').css('display', 'none');

     }, 500);
 $(window).resize(function () {

 //  add New tabs

 var tabCount = 9;
 //$('.db-add-new-tab').click(function (e) {
 $(document).on('click', '.db-add-new-tab', function (e) {
     console.log('add tab button clicked');
     var nextTab = tabCount;
     var addTabLast = $('.db-nav-tabs li.add-tab-last');
     var addTabLastDropDown = $('.pull-right-db-nav-tabs-u li.add-tab-last');
     // create the tab
     $('<li class=""><a href="#tab' + nextTab + '" data-toggle="tab">tab ' + nextTab + '<i class="glyphicon  glyphicon-edit db-edit-tab glyphiconColor db-nav-tab-icons-both " ></i><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash db-del-tab glyphiconColor db-nav-tab-icons-both" > </i> </a> </li> ').insertBefore(addTabLast);
     $('<li class=""><a href="#tab' + nextTab + '" data-toggle="tab">tab ' + nextTab + '<i class="glyphicon  glyphicon-edit db-edit-tab glyphiconColor db-nav-tab-icons-both " ></i><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash db-del-tab glyphiconColor db-nav-tab-icons-both" > </i> </a> </li> ').insertBefore(addTabLastDropDown);
     // create the tab content
     $('<div class="tab-pane fade in" id="tab' + nextTab + '">tab' + nextTab + ' content</div>').appendTo('.tab-content');
     // make the new tab active


     $('#tabs a:last').tab('show');

 // remove tab

 var removeTab = function () {

     var contentId = $(this).closest('li').find('a').attr('href');
     contentId = contentId.replace('#', '');
     $('#' + contentId).remove();

     //$('.pull-right-db-nav-tabs-ul').find('#' + contentId).remove();
     //$('#tabs a:first').tab('show');
     $('#tabs a:first').tab('show');


Issues I found 我发现的问题

1.You didn't give overflow to the pink div , how can you scroll it . 1.您没有给粉红色的div溢出,如何滚动它。 i don't think it is possible. 我认为这是不可能的。
2.Unable to reproduce this issue. 2.无法重现此问题。
3.when i click on trash in pink bar i got dashboard-content as contentId and i when clicked in drop down i got overview-content . 3.当我单击粉红色栏中的垃圾桶时,我将dashboard-content作为contentId ;当我单击下拉菜单时,我将获得overview-content both are not same so delete in dropdown is not working. 两者都不相同,因此下拉菜单中的删除无效。

Possible Fix for 3rd issue is replace overview-content with dashboard-content and it looks like function removeTab has incorrect logic. 第三个问题的可能解决方法是将overview-content替换为dashboard-content ,并且看起来函数removeTab的逻辑不正确。

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