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Android:对compileSdkVersion + targetSdkVersion 23感到困惑

[英]Android: confused about compileSdkVersion + targetSdkVersion 23

I want an app to be available in the play store for android M users to download, but the permissions model isn't yet complete for the app. 我希望在Play商店中可以使用某个应用供Android M用户下载,但该应用的权限模型尚未完成。 If I set the compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion to 22 instead of 23 - will the android M users see the app and be able to dl it (granting all permissions at runtime)? 如果我将compileSdkVersion和targetSdkVersion设置为22而不是23-Android M用户会看到该应用程序并能够对其进行dl(在运行时授予所有权限)吗?

compileSdkVersion 22

defaultConfig {
    minSdkVersion 15
    targetSdkVersion 22

If I set the compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion to 22 instead of 23 - will the android M users see the app and be able to dl it (granting all permissions at runtime)? 如果我将compileSdkVersion和targetSdkVersion设置为22而不是23-Android M用户会看到该应用程序并能够对其进行dl(在运行时授予所有权限)吗?

Yes, the app will be available to M users and every permission is granted at install time. 是的,该应用程序将对M个用户可用,并且在安装时会授予所有权限。

A small note, if you use the support libraries v23 you need to set the compileSdkVersion to 23 otherwise you get this error: 请注意,如果使用支持库v23,则需要将compileSdkVersion设置为23,否则会出现此错误:

This support library should not use a different version (23) than the compileSdkVersion (22) 该支持库不应使用与compileSdkVersion(22)不同的版本(23)。

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