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如何对Generic List Asc或Desc进行排序?

[英]How to sort Generic List Asc or Desc?

I have a generic collection of type MyImageClass, and MyImageClass has an boolean property "IsProfile". 我有一个类型为MyImageClass的泛型集合,而MyImageClass有一个布尔属性“IsProfile”。 I want to sort this generic list which IsProfile == true stands at the start of the list. 我想对这个通用列表进行排序,其中IsProfile == true代表列表的开头。

I have tried this. 我试过这个。

rptBigImages.DataSource = estate.Images.OrderBy(est=>est.IsProfile).ToList();

with the code above the image stands at the last which IsProfile property is true. 使用图像上方的代码,最后一个IsProfile属性为true。 But i want it to be at the first index. 但我希望它成为第一个指数。 I need something Asc or Desc . 我需要一些Asc或Desc Then i did this. 然后我做了这个。

rptBigImages.DataSource = estate.Images.OrderBy(est=>est.IsProfile).Reverse.ToList();

Is there any easier way to do this ? 有没有更简单的方法来做到这一点?

Thanks 谢谢

How about: 怎么样:

estate.Images.OrderByDescending(est => est.IsProfile).ToList()

This will order the Images in descending order by the IsProfile Property and then create a new List from the result. 这将通过IsProfile属性按降序对图像进行排序,然后从结果中创建新的List。

You can use .OrderByDescending(...) - but note that with the LINQ methods you are creating a new ordered list, not ordering the existing list. 您可以使用.OrderByDescending(...) - 但请注意,使用LINQ方法,您将创建一个新的有序列表,而不是对现有列表进行排序。

If you have a List<T> and want to re-order the existing list, then you can use Sort() - and you can make it easier by adding a few extension methods: 如果你有一个List<T>并想要重新排序现有列表,那么你可以使用Sort() - 你可以通过添加一些扩展方法来简化它:

static void Sort<TSource, TValue>(this List<TSource> source,
        Func<TSource, TValue> selector) {
    var comparer = Comparer<TValue>.Default;
static void SortDescending<TSource, TValue>(this List<TSource> source,
        Func<TSource, TValue> selector) {
    var comparer = Comparer<TValue>.Default;

Then you can use list.Sort(x=>x.SomeProperty) and list.SortDescending(x=>x.SomeProperty) . 然后你可以使用list.Sort(x=>x.SomeProperty)list.Sort(x=>x.SomeProperty) list.SortDescending(x=>x.SomeProperty)

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