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[英]How do I add a second attribute in JavaScript?

I am currently working with a jvectormap. 我目前正在使用jvectormap。 Each county has a data-code (example: 48201). 每个县都有一个数据代码(例如:48201)。 Here is my code for the counties that I have colored so far... 这是我到目前为止已着色的县的代码...

jvm.Map.maps = {};
jvm.Map.defaultParams = {
  map: 'us_lcc_en',series: {
        regions: [{
            values: {

/* --------------- Active Franchise --------------- */ / * ---------------有效特许经营--------------- * /


/* --------------- Available Franchise --------------- */ / * ---------------可用专营权--------------- * /


/* --------------- Pending Franchise --------------- */ / * ---------------待批加盟------------------- * /



            "stroke-width": 4


  backgroundColor: '#ffffff',
  zoomButtons: true,
  zoomOnScroll: false,
  panOnDrag: true,
  zoomMax: 8,
  zoomMin: 1,
  zoomStep: 1.6,
  zoomAnimate: true,
  regionsSelectable: false,
  markersSelectable: false,
  bindTouchEvents: true,
  regionStyle: {
    initial: {
      fill: 'rgb(204, 204, 204)',
      "fill-opacity": 1,
      stroke: 'rgb(204, 204, 204)',
      "stroke-width": 0,
      "stroke-opacity": 1,
    hover: {
      "fill-opacity": 0.7,
      cursor: 'pointer'
    selected: {
      fill: 'yellow'
    selectedHover: {
  regionLabelStyle: {
    initial: {
      'font-family': 'Verdana',
      'font-size': '12',
      'font-weight': 'bold',
      cursor: 'default',
      fill: 'black',
    hover: {
      cursor: 'pointer'
  markerStyle: {
    initial: {
      fill: 'grey',
      stroke: '#505050',
      "fill-opacity": 1,
      "stroke-width": 1,
      "stroke-opacity": 1,
      r: 5
    hover: {
      stroke: 'black',
      "stroke-width": 2,
      cursor: 'pointer'
    selected: {
      fill: 'blue'
    selectedHover: {
  markerLabelStyle: {
    initial: {
      'font-family': 'Verdana',
      'font-size': '12',
      'font-weight': 'bold',
      cursor: 'default',
      fill: 'black'
    hover: {
      cursor: 'pointer'
jvm.Map.apiEvents = {
  onRegionTipShow: 'regionTipShow',
  onRegionOver: 'regionOver',
  onRegionOut: 'regionOut',
  onRegionClick: 'regionClick',
  onRegionSelected: 'regionSelected',
  onMarkerTipShow: 'markerTipShow',
  onMarkerOver: 'markerOver',
  onMarkerOut: 'markerOut',
  onMarkerClick: 'markerClick',
  onMarkerSelected: 'markerSelected',
  onViewportChange: 'viewportChange'

As you can see at the bottom...the attribute is set to 'fill'. 正如您在底部看到的那样...该属性设置为“填充”。 I also want to add 'stroke'. 我也想添加“笔画”。 How do I go about adding that second attribute? 如何添加第二个属性?

Attributes in a javaScript object are separated by commas. javaScript对象中的属性用逗号分隔。 Suppose you wanted to add a stroke-width attribute: 假设您要添加笔触宽度属性:

In this case, you would change the tail end, near the bottom, to look something like this: 在这种情况下,您可以将底部附近的尾端更改为如下所示:


        attribute: 'fill',
        stroke-width: 4

Which should make you happy. 哪个应该让你开心。 Though, as an aside, stroke-width will actually be the third attribute of 'regions': you'll note that values is written in the form of "values: {...}," -- it's an attribute too! 尽管顺便说一句,笔画宽度实际上是“区域”的第三个属性:您会注意到,值是以“值:{...}”的形式编写的,它也是一个属性!

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