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[英]Issue while running Linux Command using Java?

I am running command using Java and getting no output. 我正在使用Java运行命令,但没有输出。

Process p;
Runtime run = Runtime.getRuntime();  
    String s1 = "queryData 1005017 --format '\"%s" scope'";

    System.out.println("Command is " + s1);

    try {  

        p = run.exec(s1);  
        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(
                new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream()));
            while ((s = br.readLine()) != null)
                System.out.println("line: " + s);


While the same command ---> queryData 1005017 --format '"%s" scope' runs without any issue. 虽然相同的命令---> queryData 1005017 --format'“%s” scope'可以正常运行。 Wondering am i missing any thing while handling either double quote, or % sign? 想知道我在处理双引号或%号时是否缺少任何东西吗?

You didn't escape the internal quotes properly: 您没有正确地转义内部引号:

String s1 = "queryData 1005017 --format '\"%s" scope'";
            ^--start java string             ^--end java string
                                               ^^^^^ what's this mean to java?

You probably want 你可能想要

String s1 = "queryData 1005017 --format '\"%s\" scope'";
                                             ^--note this

instead. 代替。

Try do NOT use strings to start processes from Java. 尝试不要使用字符串从Java启动进程。 Correct way is usage of ProcessBuilder : 正确的方法是使用ProcessBuilder

p = new ProcessBuilder(Arrays.asList(
    "queryData", "1005017", "--format", "\"%s\" scope")).start();

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