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[英]JSON Parsing Array then Objects in Java

I am new to JSON , and would appreciate it if someone can help me with parsing this. 我是JSON新手,如果有人可以帮助我解析它,将不胜感激。

It's like parsing the array first then the object and then parsing the stuff inside the attributes array. 就像先解析数组然后解析对象,然后解析属性数组中的内容一样。

Any advice where I can start? 有什么建议可以从哪里开始?

This code is how I am getting the json file 这段代码是我获取json文件的方式

String json = IOUtils.toString(response.getEntity().getContent());

Shown is a sample of what I need to parse. 显示的是我需要解析的样本。 I would need the following information: 我需要以下信息:

"attributeName": "Alternate Name",  
"attributeValue": "",  
"attributeName": "Functional Area",  
"attributeValue": "N/A"

    "id": 1234,
    "name": "",
    "formId": 34,
    "sortOrder": 0,
    "attributes": [
        "id": 67899,
        "attribute": {
          "attributeName": "Alternate Name",
          "attributeType": "Text",
          "id": 894
        "attributeValue": ""
        "id": 67185,
        "attribute": {
          "attributeName": "Description",
          "attributeType": "TextArea",
          "id": 900
        "attributeValue": ""
        "id": 11345,
        "attribute": {
          "attributeName": "Functional Area",
          "attributeType": "DropdownList",
          "id": 902,
          "values": [
              "id": 3471,
              "sortOrder": 0,
              "attributeValue": "N/A"
              "id": 3472,
              "sortOrder": 1,
              "attributeValue": "ES"
              "id": 3473,
              "sortOrder": 2,
              "attributeValue": "IPC"
              "id": 3474,
              "sortOrder": 3,
              "attributeValue": "ISS"
              "id": 3475,
              "sortOrder": 4,
              "attributeValue": "TECH"
        "attributeValue": "N/A"

and then there's another array (similar to above) that need to be parsed. 然后还有另一个数组(类似于上面的数组)需要解析。 It's a huge file to be parsed the same way. 用相同的方式解析它是一个巨大的文件。

Thank you in advance 先感谢您

Use a tool like Jackson or Gson , both available in Maven. 使用Maven中都可用的JacksonGson之类的工具。

For example, using Jackson: 例如,使用杰克逊:

MyData data = new ObjectMapper().reader(MyData.class).readValue(response.getEntity().getContent());
data.getName(); // "name":""
data.getAttributes().get(0).getAttribute().getName(); // "attributeName": "Alternate Name"
data.getAttributes().get(0).getAttribute().getValue(); // "attributeValue": "",
data.getAttributes().get(2).getAttribute().getName(); // "attributeName": "Functional Area"
data.getAttributes().get(2).getAttribute().getValue(); // "attributeValue": "N/A",

// If you want to get fancy
data.getAttribute("Alternate Name").getValue();
data.getAttribute("Functional Area").getValue();

To do the above, you need the following mapping classes. 为此,您需要以下映射类。 You could deserialize into a Map and then dig around with get and casts, but I prefer Java objects with proper methods and types. 您可以反序列化为Map ,然后使用get和cast进行挖掘,但是我更喜欢具有适当方法和类型的Java对象。 The @JsonIgnoreProperties annotation allows you to map only those JSON fields you care about. @JsonIgnoreProperties批注允许您仅映射您关心的JSON字段。

@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
public class MyData {
    private String name;
    private List<Attribute> attributes;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public List<Attribute> getAttributes() {
        return attributes;

    // If you want to get fancy
    public AttributeSpec getAttribute(String name) {
        for(Attribute attr : attributes) {
            if(name.equals(attr.getName())) {
                return attr;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown name " + name);

@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
public class Attribute {
    private AttributeSpec attribute;

    public AttributeSpec getAttribute() {
        return attribute;

@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
public class AttributeSpec {
    private String attributeName;
    private String attributeValue;

    public String getName() {
        return attributeName;

    public String getValue() {
        return attributeValue;

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