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[英]project PCA back into original scales with explained_variance_ratio_ condition

I have 2 questions concerning PCA when using scikit. 使用scikit时,我有2个关于PCA的问题。

Lets suppose I have the following data: 假设我有以下数据:

fullmatrix =[[2.5, 2.4],
             [0.5, 0.7],
             [2.2, 2.9],
             [1.9, 2.2],
             [3.1, 3.0],
             [2.3, 2.7],
             [2.0, 1.6],
             [1.0, 1.1],
             [1.5, 1.6],
             [1.1, 0.9]] 

Now I do the PCA calculations: 现在,我进行PCA计算:

from sklearn.decomposition import PCA as PCA

sklearn_pca = PCA()
Y_sklearn = sklearn_pca.fit_transform(fullmatrix)
print Y_sklearn  # Y_sklearn is now the Data transformed with 2 eigenvectors

sklearn_pca.explained_variance_ratio_  # variance explained by each eigenvector
print sklearn_pca.explained_variance_ratio_

sklearn_pca.components_ # eigenvectors order by highest eigenvalue
print sklearn_pca.components_ 

First question: How can I project back this Y_sklearn into the original scale? 第一个问题:如何将这个Y_sklearn投影回原始比例? (I know we should get back the same data as of full matrix as I'm using all eigenvectors, its just to check if done right). (我知道我们应该使用所有特征向量来获取与全矩阵相同的数据,只是为了检查是否正确)。

Second question: How can I enter a threshold regarding minimum acceptable total variance coming from "sklearn_pca.explained_variance_ratio_"?. 第二个问题:如何输入有关“ sklearn_pca.explained_variance_ratio_”的最小可接受总方差的阈值? For example lets say I want to keep using eigenvectors until when i reach total explained_variance_ratio_ above 95%. 例如,假设我要一直使用特征向量,直到达到95%以上的总explained_variance_ratio_。 In this case is easy, we just use the first eigenvector as it explains .96318131%. 在这种情况下很容易,我们只使用第一个特征向量即可,其解释为0.996318131%。 But how can we do this in a more automated way? 但是,我们如何才能以更自动化的方式做到这一点呢?

First: sklearn_pca.inverse_transform(Y_sklearn) 首先: sklearn_pca.inverse_transform(Y_sklearn)

Second: 第二:

thr = 0.95
# Is cumulative sum exceeds some threshold
is_exceeds = np.cumsum(sklearn_pca.explained_variance_ratio_) >= thr
# Which minimal index provides such variance
# We need to add 1 to get minimum number of eigenvectors for saving this variance
k = np.min(np.where(is_exceeds))+1
# Or you can just initialize your model with thr parameter
sklearn_pca = PCA(n_components = thr)

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