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[英]Cloud code - Parse.Object initializer isn't working

I'm probably missing something stupid, but my initializer function for a custom parse class isn't working in cloud code. 我可能缺少一些愚蠢的东西,但是自定义解析类的初始化函数在云代码中不起作用。 I have the following in my cloud code, and call the "createAStatisticTest" function from my client, which successfully creates and saves a new Statistics object, but doesn't update any of the data to 0. All of the data is (undefined). 我的云代码中包含以下内容,并从客户端调用“ createAStatisticTest”函数,该函数成功创建并保存了一个新的Statistics对象,但不会将任何数据更新为0。所有数据均为(未定义) 。 Can anyone point out what I'm doing wrong? 谁能指出我做错了什么?

var Statistics = Parse.Object.extend("Statistics",
    { //instance methods
        initialize: function(attrs, options)
            this.newUsers = 0;
            this.newBillableUsers = 0;
            this.firstCut = 0;
            this.additionalCuts = 0;
            this.numCuts = 0;
            this.totalBillableUsers = 0;
    {} //class methods

//Create a single statistics object to show that the parameters inside of the intialize function aren't being set properlly
Parse.Cloud.define("createAStatisticTest", function(request, status)
    var statistics = new Statistics();
        function( statistics )
            status.success("Saved the statistic object");
        function( error )
            status.error("There was an error saving the object: " + error.message);

I based my implementation off of the js guide's Monster object example found here 我的实现基于js指南的Monster对象示例(在此处找到)

I had a similar problem a few weeks ago, where everything returned (undefined) suddenly. 几周前,我遇到了类似的问题,所有内容突然返回(undefined) I solved it by changing the JavaScript SDK version back to version 1.4.2 - so it seems Parse has a bug in their latest SDK version. 我通过将JavaScript SDK版本更改回1.4.2版来解决它-因此Parse似乎在其最新SDK版本中存在错误。

Please have a look at this answer. 请看看这个答案。

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