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[英]Logical and physical entities relation in OWL ontology

I am creating an ontology that describes operating system components and I've run into a problem where I need to relate logical concepts with their physical counterparts but I can't imagine the exact structure and I do not understand why there is a conflict: 我正在创建一个描述操作系统组件的本体,并且遇到了一个问题,我需要将逻辑概念与它们的物理对应关系相关联,但是我无法想象确切的结构,而且我也不明白为什么会发生冲突:

I have the following structure: 我有以下结构:


This structure seems correct as there are files of different type. 这种结构似乎是正确的,因为存在不同类型的文件。 But when I add that a Daemon has a file on disk - I can not say hasFileOnDisk exactly 1 File because daemon can not be a config file, and on the other hand, ConfigFile can be either Fixed,Updatable or even Temporary. 但是,当我添加一个守护程序在磁盘上时,我不能说hasFileOnDisk exactly 1 File因为守护程序不能是配置文件,另一方面, ConfigFile可以是Fixed,Updatable或Temporary。

How do I relate that Daemon's hasFileOnDisk can not be ConfigFile and ConfigFile may be temporary,updatable or fixed but they are all files and inherit file data property fileName ? 我如何关联Daemon的hasFileOnDisk不能是ConfigFileConfigFile可以是临时的,可更新的或固定的,但是它们都是文件并且继承了文件数据属性fileName

文件类型和守护程序本体 editable drawing 可编辑的工程图

Your problem cannot be resolved by just using inheritance relationshps between entities. 仅使用实体之间的继承关系无法解决您的问题。 You need to use other means to put constraint on hasFileOnDisk argument, for example disjoint classes. 您需要使用其他方式对hasFileOnDisk参数施加约束,例如,不相交的类。

<owl:Class rdf:ID="NonConfigFile">
  <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#File"/>
  <owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="#ConfigFile"/>

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