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ASP.NET 应用程序在托管后未验证

[英]ASP.NET application not validating after hosted

I have created an ASP.NET application that uses RequieredFieldValidators.我创建了一个使用 RequieredFieldValidators 的 ASP.NET 应用程序。 It works fine when I run the project from my machine, however when I put the application on the server and host it in IIS, the application stops validating.当我从我的机器运行项目时它工作正常,但是当我将应用程序放在服务器上并将其托管在 IIS 中时,应用程序停止验证。 Any idea how this can be fixed?知道如何解决这个问题吗? Thanks in advance.提前致谢。

The problem was when I uploaded the application to IIS I uploaded the files in the project solution but left the packages folder out which was in an upper level of the application's parent folder.问题是当我将应用程序上传到 IIS 时,我上传了项目解决方案中的文件,但将包文件夹留在了应用程序父文件夹的上层。 So the references for the validations weren't available.所以验证的参考不可用。 Thanks to all for the replies.感谢大家的回复。

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