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[英]download file instead of opening in browser using struts2

I have written a file upload and download in struts2. 我已经在struts2中编写了文件上传和下载。 But while I download the text.pdf file that are opened in the browser page, How to I download files instead of open in the browsers page? 但是,当我下载在浏览器页面中打开的text.pdf文件时,如何下载文件而不是在浏览器页面中打开?

<div class="block-fluid table-sorting clearfix">
    <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="table" id="tSortable">
                <th>S. No</th>
                <th>ACCOUNT NO</th>
                <th>FILE </th>
            <s:iterator value="fileuploadlist" status="rowstatus" >
                    <td><s:property value="#rowstatus.index+1" /></td>
                    <td><s:property value="fileupload_temp2" /></td>
                    <td><s:property value="fileupload_filename"/></td>                                    
                    <td><s:a href="%{fileupload_filepath}" target="_blank" >download</s:a> </td>


You can force downloading, but you have to do it from the server side : Implement your own endpoint (a servlet, for example) which returns this header along with the requested file: 您可以强制下载,但是必须从服务器端进行下载 :实现自己的端点(例如servlet),该端点将返回此标头以及所请求的文件:

content-disposition: attachment; filename="suggested-filename"

http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec19.html http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec19.html

There are multiple examples provided online for your query. 在线提供了多个示例供您查询。

Please check the following links.. 请检查以下链接。

File Download example -1 文件下载示例-1

File Download example -2 文件下载示例-2

And target="_blank" is used for creating a new tab, which is not required for your case. target="_blank"用于创建新标签,您的案例不需要这样做。

Edit: Please show us your struts configuration, so that we can provide a much better answer. 编辑:请向我们展示您的struts配置,以便我们提供更好的答案。


I have uploaded the image that contain the struts configuration file. 我已经上传了包含struts配置文件的图像。

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