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Python 字节到浮点数的转换

[英]Python byte to float conversion

from struct import *
longValue = 1447460000
print struct.pack('!q',longValue)

The longValue is actually signifies time in epoch as the main idea is to convert the epoch time which is a long, into bytes. longValue 实际上表示纪元中的时间,因为主要思想是将很长的纪元时间转换为字节。 So I came across struct module and this seems quite helpful too.所以我遇到了 struct 模块,这似乎也很有帮助。

The output that I get is:-我得到的输出是:-


Now, I want to make sure that this result is correct, so I want to convert these bytes back to the long.现在,我想确保这个结果是正确的,所以我想将这些字节转换回 long。

This is what I am trying:-这就是我正在尝试的:-

struct.unpack("<L", "\x00\x00\x00\x00VF|\xa0")

But this gives me error:-但这给了我错误:-

struct.error: unpack requires a string argument of length 4

Any help?Thanks有什么帮助吗?谢谢

Use the same struct format, !q , to unpack as you did to pack:使用与打包时相同的结构格式!q来解包:

In [6]: import struct

In [7]: longValue = 1447460000

In [8]: struct.pack('!q',longValue)
Out[8]: '\x00\x00\x00\x00VF|\xa0'

In [9]: struct.unpack('!q', struct.pack('!q',longValue))
Out[9]: (1447460000,)

q is for 8-byte long ints , while L is for 4-byte unsigned longs. q用于 8 字节长整数,而L用于 4 字节无符号长整数 That is why you got the error这就是为什么你得到错误

struct.error: unpack requires a string argument of length 4

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