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C ++二进制到十进制转换器输入仅接受1或0

[英]c++ binary to decimal converter input to only accept 1 or 0

Hello I am trying to do a programming assignment that converts a binary number to a decimal. 您好,我正在尝试进行将二进制数字转换为十进制的编程任务。 The problem states that I have to get the users input as a sting and if there is anything other than a 1 or a 0 in the users input it should give an error message then prompt them to give a new input. 问题表明,我必须以字符串形式输入用户输入,如果用户输入中除了1或0以外的其他内容,它应该给出错误消息,然后提示他们输入新的信息。 I have been trying for a while now and I cant seem to get it right can anyone help me? 我已经尝试了一段时间,但似乎无法正确解决,有人可以帮助我吗? so far this is my best attempt it will run every input of the string into a if statement but it only seems to care about the last digit i cant think of a way to make it so if there is a single error it will keep while loop statement as true to keep going. 到目前为止,这是我的最佳尝试,它将字符串的每个输入运行到if语句中,但它似乎只关心最后一位,我想不出一种方法来制作它,因此,如果存在单个错误,它将在while循环中保留声明为真,继续前进。

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

string a;

int input();

int main()
    int stop;
    cin >> stop;
    return 0;

int input()
    int x, count, repeat = 0;

    while (repeat == 0)
        cout << "Enter a string representing a binary number => ";
        cin >> a;
        count = a.length();
        for (x = 0; x < count; x++)

            if (a[x] >= '0' &&a[x] <= '1')
                repeat = 1;
                repeat = 0;


    return 0;

    return 0;

Change your for loop as this: 如下更改您的for循环:

    count = a.length();
    repeat = 1;
    for (x = 0; x < count; x++)

        if (a[x] != '0' && a[x] != '1')
            repeat = 0;

The idea is that repeat is assumed to be 1 at first (so you assume that your input is valid). 这个想法是,首先假定repeat为1(因此您假设输入有效)。 Later on, if any of your input characters is not a 0 or 1, then you set repeat to 0 and exit the loop (there's no need to keep looking for another character) 稍后,如果您输入的任何字符都不为0或1,则将repeat设置为0并退出循环(无需继续寻找其他字符)

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