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[英]Getting Syntax Error inside ng-click of a button in angularjs

I am working in a mobile based web application, i am using angular js with onsen ui , I made a follow button in user's profile, where a user can follow to another, in the beginning when user's profile loads, a angular controller ProfileInfoCtrl sets all the user's related information to his profile page, while its sets the information i got a error in the follow button where i made a another controller FollowBtnCtrl for the follow button and set ng-click="followMe({{ oUserInfo.id }})" with the button. 我在基于移动的Web应用程序中工作,我在onsen ui使用angular js ,我在用户个人资料中创建了关注按钮,用户可以在其中跟随另一个用户,首先,当用户的个人资料加载时,角度控制器ProfileInfoCtrl设置所有用户的相关信息到他的个人资料页面,同时它设置了信息,我在“跟随”按钮中遇到了错误,在该按钮中,我为跟随按钮创建了另一个控制器FollowBtnCtrl并设置了ng-click="followMe({{ oUserInfo.id }})"用按钮。

All the values has been setann fine but inside the follow button ng-click="followMe({{ oUserInfo.id }})" its give me the following error in the browser's console. 所有值都已设置好,但是在跟随按钮ng-click="followMe({{ oUserInfo.id }})"它在浏览器控制台中给我以下错误。

Error: 错误:

Error: [$parse:syntax] http://errors.angularjs.org/1.4.3/$parse/syntax?p0=%7B&p1=invalid%20key&p2=11&p3=followMe(%7B%7B"<button ng-click="followMe({{ oUserInfo.id }})" class="followButton button button-bar__button {{ oUserInfo.follow_class }}" style="line-height:20px; width:72px; padding:0 5px; margin-left:-15px;">"UserInfo.id%20%7D%7D)&p4=%7B%oUserInfo.id%20%7D%7D)
    at Error (native)
    at http://localhost:8080/ItApp_1/onsen/js/angular/angular.min.js:6:416
    at Object.q.throwError (http://localhost:8080/ItApp_1/onsen/js/angular/angular.min.js:209:32)
    at Object.q.object (http://localhost:8080/ItApp_1/onsen/js/angular/angular.min.js:208:327)
    at Object.q.primary (http://localhost:8080/ItApp_1/onsen/js/angular/angular.min.js:205:335)
    at Object.q.unary (http://localhost:8080/ItApp_1/onsen/js/angular/angular.min.js:205:174)
    at Object.q.multiplicative (http://localhost:8080/ItApp_1/onsen/js/angular/angular.min.js:204:434)
    at Object.q.additive (http://localhost:8080/ItApp_1/onsen/js/angular/angular.min.js:204:261)
    at Object.q.relational (http://localhost:8080/ItApp_1/onsen/js/angular/angular.min.js:204:96)
    at Object.q.equality (http://localhost:8080/ItApp_1/onsen/js/angular/angular.min.js:203:425)

when i have gone throw the angular error link then the page give's me the following error definition 当我扔了角度错误链接时,该页面给我以下错误定义

Syntax Error: Token '{' invalid key at column 11 of the expression [followMe({{""UserInfo.id }})] starting at [{4}].

i am not understanding where i am wrong, because i have checked many time's all the syntax's but nothing found any wrong. 我不明白我在哪里错了,因为我已经检查了很多次所有语法,但是没有发现任何错误。 Please help me & tel me where i am doing wrong, bellow are the html and angular controllers, 请帮我&告诉我我做错了什么,下面是html和angular控制器,


<ons-page ng-controller="ProfileInfoCtrl" class="profile-page">
<ons-toolbar fixed-style>
    <div class="left">
        <ons-toolbar-button ui-sref="sliding.main">
            <ons-icon icon="ion-ios-home" style="vertical-align:-4px;"></ons-icon>
    <div class="center navigation-bar__title">
        {{ oUserInfo.first_name }}  {{ oUserInfo.last_name }}   
    <div class="right" ng-controller="FollowBtnCtrl">           
            <button ng-click="followMe({{ oUserInfo.id }})" class="followButton button button-bar__button {{ oUserInfo.follow_class }}" 
                    style="line-height:20px; width:72px; padding:0 5px; margin-left:-15px;">
                {{ oUserInfo.follow_text }}

<div class="profile-card">
    <img class="profile-image" src="{{ oUserInfo.profile_pic }}" alt="{{ oUserInfo.first_name }} {{ oUserInfo.last_name }}">  
    <div class="profile-name">{{ oUserInfo.first_name }} {{ oUserInfo.last_name }}</div>
    <div class="profile-id">{{ oUserInfo.email }}</div>
    <div class="profile-desc">{{ oUserInfo.gender }} , Age - {{ oUserInfo.age }}  Years</div>

Angular contoller ProfileInfoCtrl:- 角控制器ProfileInfoCtrl:-

    [ '$scope', '$http', '$stateParams',
    function($scope, $http, $stateParams){      
        $scope.oUserInfo = null;

        if(!isNaN($stateParams.uid) && !isNaN($stateParams.id)){
            var parameter = JSON.stringify({type:"user_info", user_id: $stateParams.id, ouser_id: $stateParams.uid});                       
                url: 'AjaxController',
                dataType: 'json',
                method: 'POST',
                data: parameter,
                headers: {
                    "Content-Type": "application/json"
            }).success(function(data, status, header, config){
                $scope.oUserInfo = data;
            }).error(function(data, status, header, config){


Angular contoller FollowBtnCtrl:- 角控制器FollowBtnCtrl:-

    [ '$scope', '$http', '$stateParams',
    function($scope, $http, $stateParams){
        // Make an AJAX call, retrieving the state.
        $scope.followMe = function($fId){

            var $button = angular.element(jQuery.find(".followButton"));            
            var $requestType = "";

                $requestType = "unfollow";              

                var request = {    
                    method: 'POST',
                    url: 'follower.ajax?requestType=' + $requestType + '&fId=' + $fId       
                        if(response.data.type == "success"){
                            $scope.userinfo.following_count = $scope.userinfo.following_count - 1;
//                          alert('Error !!');            
//                      alert('Error !!');              

            else {
                $requestType = "follow";                                

                var request = {    
                    method: 'POST',
                    url: 'follower.ajax?requestType=' + $requestType + '&fId=' + $fId
                        if(response.data.type == "success"){
                            $scope.userinfo.following_count = $scope.userinfo.following_count + 1;
//                          alert('Error !!');            
//                      alert('Error !!');                  
        $scope.sprocketInfo = 
            $http.get("/api/sprocket/" + $stateParams.id)
                .then(function(res){ return res.data; });

You have to remove {{ }} when you set the argument in the ng-click attribute. ng-click属性中设置参数时,您必须删除{{ }}

<button ng-click="followMe(oUserInfo.id)" class="followButton button button-bar__button {{ oUserInfo.follow_class }}"

What you set as value within the attribute should be valid javascript syntax. 您在属性中设置为值的内容应为有效的JavaScript语法。

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