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[英]Return .p12 file to client without creating keystore file

Is there any way to return a file to client with .p12 extension (base64 encoded string, that is later decoded on the client side and saved with .p12 extension) without storing it to PKCS12 keystore? 有没有办法将文件以.p12扩展名(base64编码的字符串,以后在客户端解码并以.p12扩展名保存)返回给客户端,而无需将其存储到PKCS12密钥库中? I have code for creating root certificate, client certificate and setting keyentry to PKCS12 keystore bellow, but I don't want to have .p12 file on the file system, just to generate it and return it to client. 我有用于创建根证书,客户端证书以及将keyentry设置为PKCS12密钥库的代码,但是我不想在文件系统上拥有.p12文件,只是为了生成它并将其返回给客户端。 Thanks! 谢谢!

Simplified code of creating root certificate: 创建根证书的简化代码:

public static void createRootCertificate(PublicKey pubKey, PrivateKey privKey) {    

    // add extensions, key identifier, etc.

    X509Certificate cert = certGen.generateX509Certificate(privKey);
    cert.checkValidity(new Date());

The root certificate and its private key is saved to the trusted store after creating. 创建后,根证书及其私钥将保存到受信任的存储中。

Than, in the service for generating client certificates, I read root certificate from trusted store and generate client ones: 然后,在用于生成客户端证书的服务中,我从受信任的存储区读取了根证书并生成了客户端证书:

public static Certificate createClientCertificate(PublicKey pubKey) {   

    PrivateKey rootPrivateKey = ... //read key from trusted store
    X509Certificate rootCertificate = ... //read certificate from trusted store

    certGen.setIssuerDN(...); // rootCertificate.getIssuerDN ...

    // add extensions, issuer key, etc.

    X509Certificate cert = certGen.generateX509Certificate(rootPrivateKey);
    cert.checkValidity(new Date());

    return cert;

Main class look like this: 主类如下所示:

public static void main(String[] args) {        
    // assume I have all needed keys generated
    createRootCertificate(rootPubKey, rootPrivKey);
    X509Certificate clientCertificate = createClientCertificate(client1PubKey);

    KeyStore store = KeyStore.getInstance("PKCS12", "BC");

    store.load(null, null);

    store.setKeyEntry("Client1_Key", client1PrivKey, passwd, new Certificate[]{clientCertificate});    
    FileOutputStream fOut = new FileOutputStream("client1.p12");   
    store.store(fOut, passwd);

After the code above, I'm reading client1.p12 and I'm creating Base64 encoded response of that file. 在上面的代码之后,我正在读取client1.p12,并正在创建该文件的Base64编码的响应。 When I decode response on my client and save with .p12 extension everything works, I can import it to browser. 当我在客户端上解码响应并以.p12扩展名保存时,一切正常,我可以将其导入浏览器。 Can this be done without storing it to file? 无需将其存储到文件中就可以做到吗?

I have tried with: 我尝试过:

store.setKeyEntry("Client1_Key", client1PrivKey, passwd, new Certificate[]{clientCertificate}); 

and after that: 在那之后:

Key key = store.getKey("Client1_Key", passwd);

but when encode key variable, send to client and than decode it and save with .p12 extension, browser say invalid or corrupted file. 但是,当对密钥变量进行编码时,发送给客户端,然后对其进行解码,并以.p12扩展名保存,浏览器会说文件无效或损坏。

Thanks in advance! 提前致谢!

Simply use a ByteArrayOutputStream instead of FileOutputStream to store the p12: 只需使用ByteArrayOutputStream而不是FileOutputStream来存储p12:

ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
store.store(baos, passwd);
byte[] p12Bytes = baos.toByteArray();
String p12Base64 = new String(Base64.encode(p12Bytes));

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