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额外的关键字语法突出显示(用于ReSharper C ++)

[英]Additional keyword syntax highlighting (for ReSharper C++)

I'm trying to use a new keyword ( await ), but ReSharper C++ marks it in red, and it really stands out and annoying. 我正在尝试使用新的关键字( await ),但是ReSharper C ++将其标记为红色,而且确实很引人注目且令人讨厌。 I've tried to disable the color highlighting, but it still shows up in red. 我试图禁用颜色突出显示,但是它仍然显示为红色。

Completely suspending ReSharper or disabling Code Analysis seems to fix the problem, shifting back to Visual Studio's default syntax highlighting, but then that's the code analysis suggestions is whole reason I purchased ReSharper in the first place! 完全挂起ReSharper或禁用Code Analysis似乎可以解决问题,转而使用Visual Studio的默认语法突出显示,但这就是代码分析建议,这是我首先购买ReSharper的全部原因! I just want the await to be marked in blue, and code analysis to (sometimes) work. 我只希望将等待标记为蓝色,并进行代码分析(有时)工作。

It seems to be an issue with await being recognized as an unresolved symbol and being marked and highlighted with ReSharper Error Highlighting rule in Visual Studio's Environment > Fonts and Colors options. 这似乎是一个问题, await被认为是一个未解决的符号和被标记,并强调ReSharper Error Highlighting在Visual Studio的规则Environment > Fonts and Colors选项。

My question is, is there any way to fix this problem, maybe by adding a new keyboard, or some macro hacks? 我的问题是,是否有任何方法可以解决此问题,例如添加新键盘或一些宏技巧?

ReSharper enabled, "color identifiers" on and off (doesn't matter) 启用了ReSharper,打开和关闭“颜色标识符”(没关系)

ReSharper disabled ReSharper已禁用


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