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键入时如何更新多个div(javascript onkeyUp)?

[英]How to update multiple divs while typing (javascript onkeyUp)?

I have a short javascript code that updates the content of a div element (box1 in the example below). 我有一个简短的JavaScript代码,用于更新div元素的内容(在下面的示例中为box1)。 It replaces the default text ("hello") with the text typed in an input element. 它将默认文本(“ hello”)替换为在输入元素中键入的文本。

I would like to modify this code so it'd update not only the box1 div, but box2 and box3 too. 我想修改此代码,以便它不仅可以更新box1 div,还可以更新box2和box3。 I tried to use getElementsByClassName, but I was unable to make it work. 我尝试使用getElementsByClassName,但无法使其正常工作。 I would be very grateful if somebody'd help me. 如果有人能帮助我,我将不胜感激。 Thank you. 谢谢。

<div class="font1" id="box1">hello</div>
<div class="font2" id="box2">hello</div>
<div class="font3" id="box3">hello</div>
<input type='text' name='fname' class='chatinput' onkeyUp="document.getElementById('box1').innerHTML = this.value" />

This should work for you :) 这应该为您工作:)

document.querySelector('.chatinput').onkeydown = function(){
    var box1 = document.querySelector('#box1'),
        box2 = document.querySelector('#box2'),
        box3 = document.querySelector('#box3');

    box1.innerHTML = box2.innerHTML = box3.innerHTML = (this.value);

You basicly create a onkeydown event, and attach it to the input.chatinput . 您基本上可以创建一个onkeydown事件,并将其附加到input.chatinput I advise you, not to use inline javascript in the HTML 我建议您,不要在HTML中使用内联JavaScript

You're on the right track. 您走在正确的轨道上。 Just use the same command three times, either inline: 只需内联使用同一命令三遍:

<input type="text" name="fname" class="chatinput" onkeyUp="
  document.getElementById('box1').innerHTML = this.value;
  document.getElementById('box2').innerHTML = this.value+'hello';
  document.getElementById('box3').innerHTML = this.value+'world';" />

or use a JavaScript function: 或使用JavaScript函数:

function clickMe(s){
  document.getElementById("box1").innerHTML = s;
  document.getElementById("box2").innerHTML = s+"hello";
  document.getElementById("box3").innerHTML = s+"world";
<input type="text" name="fname" class="chatinput" onkeyUp="clickMe(this.value)" />

(Side note: Use double quotes for HTML-attributes. Even though all browser will understand you if you use single quotes, the double quote is the standard and the only allowed way if you want to be XML/XHTML/HTML5-compatible) (附带说明:对HTML属性使用双引号。即使您使用单引号,所有浏览器都可以理解您,但如果要与XML / XHTML / HTML5兼容,则双引号是标准且唯一允许的方式)

Try this 尝试这个

<div class="font1" id="box1">hello</div>
<div class="font2" id="box2">hello</div>
<div class="font3" id="box3">hello</div>
<input type='text' name='fname' class='chatinput' onkeyUp="document.getElementById('box1').innerHTML = this.value; document.getElementById('box2').innerHTML = this.value; document.getElementById('box3').innerHTML = this.value; " />

Demo Here 在这里演示

document.getElementsByClassName('box') return list of element so you should do this in a for loop document.getElementsByClassName('box')返回元素列表,因此您应该在for循环中执行此操作

 function onKeyUp($this){ for(var i in document.getElementsByClassName('box')) document.getElementsByClassName('box')[i].innerHTML = $this.value } 
 <div id="box1" class="box">hello</div> <div id="box2" class="box">hello</div> <div id="box3" class="box">hello</div> <input type='text' name='fname' class='chatinput' onkeyUp="onKeyUp(this)" /> 

jQuery: jQuery的:

jsfiddle jsfiddle

    function foo(value){
            this.innerHTML = value;

angular: 角度:

jsfiddle jsfiddle

<body ng-app>
    <div class="font1" id="box1">Hello {{value}}</div>
    <div class="font2" id="box2">hi {{value}}</div>
    <div class="font3" id="box3">nihao {{value}}</div>
    <input type='text' name='fname' class='chatinput' ng-model="value" />

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