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[英]How to access data submitted by a form in Angularjs?

Here is an example from Ng-Book - the Complete Book on Angularjs Book by Ari Lerner http://jsbin.com/voxirajoru/edit?html,output where ng-form has been used to create nested form elements and perform validation. 这是Ng-Book - the Complete Book on Angularjs Book by Ari Lerner一个示例Ng-Book - the Complete Book on Angularjs Book by Ari Lerner http://jsbin.com/voxirajoru/edit?html ,其中ng-form已用于创建嵌套的表单元素并执行验证。 As the each input field has same value for name attribute so how can on the server side I can access value of all three variables by using some server side language? 由于每个输入字段的name属性值都相同,因此如何在服务器端使用某种服务器端语言访问所有三个变量的值? Let's say it's PHP and method is post . 假设它是PHPmethodpost Usually in PHP I would do this: 通常在PHP我会这样做:


but how is it possible to access three field values coming from input field using $_POST array? 但是如何使用$_POST数组访问来自输入字段的三个字段值?

Using the example from the link you provided, you can access form data by updating the code there with the following. 使用您提供的链接中的示例,可以通过使用以下内容更新代码来访问表单数据。

// Add the fields object as a parameter to submitForm() //将fields对象作为参数添加到submitForm()

<form name="signup_form" ng-controller="FormController" ng-submit="submitForm(fields)" novalidate>

// In the $scope.submitForm() function... //在$ scope.submitForm()函数中...

$scope.submitForm = function(data) {
    alert(data[0].name); // Alerts name
    alert(data[1].name); // Alerts password
    alert(data[2].name); // Alerts email

If you log out the data received by submitForm(), you get the following: 如果注销由SubmitForm()接收的数据,则会得到以下信息:

[{"placeholder":"Username","isRequired":true,"$$hashKey":"004","name":"random name"},{"placeholder":"Password","isRequired":true,"$$hashKey":"005","name":"password"},{"placeholder":"Email (optional)","isRequired":false,"$$hashKey":"006","name":"email@host.com"}]

For passing to your server, package all this up as is or format it to your preference and send it to your server via the built in $http.post() or $resource() inside of the $scope.submitForm function. 要传递到服务器,请按原样打包所有这些文件,或将其格式化为您的首选项,然后通过$ scope.submitForm函数内部的内置$http.post()$resource()将其发送到服务器。

An example of the formatted data could be: 格式化数据的示例可以是:

$scope.submitForm = function(data) {
    var postData = {};
    postData.name = data[0].name;
    postData.password = data[1].name;
    postData.email = data[2].name;

    ... send postData to server via AJAX ...

    // Creates the object: {"name":"random name","password":"password","email":"email@host.com"}

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