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[英]WPF binding to ViewModel property from the DataTemplate Style

I am trying to bind ForeGround color of all TextBlock items to a ViewModel property. 我试图将所有TextBlock项的ForeGround颜色绑定到ViewModel属性。 The TextBlock elements locate under a Grid that itself is defined under DataTemplate . TextBlock元素位于本身在DataTemplate下定义的Grid下。 This whole code is defined under a UserControl . 整个代码在UserControl下定义。

I am trying to use RelativeSource binding to find the UserControl 's DataContext and get the property I need. 我正在尝试使用RelativeSource绑定来查找UserControlDataContext并获取我需要的属性。


            <DataTemplate x:Key="SomeTemplate">
                          <RowDefinition />
                          <RowDefinition />
                         <Style TargetType="Grid">
                              <Setter Property="TextElement.Foreground" Value="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type UserControl}}, Path=DataContext.TextColor}" />
                     <TextBlock Grid.Column="0" />
                     <TextBlock Grid.Column="1" />

ViewModel: ViewModel:

public class MapViewModel
    public virtual string TextColor
        get { return _textColor; }
            _textColor = value;
    private string _textColor = "Black";

The above binding doesn't work. 上面的绑定不起作用。 If I change the Value binding to a hard-coded value, like "Red" for example, the Foreground color on those TextBlocks are showing correctly. 如果将“值”绑定更改为硬编码的值,例如“红色”,则这些TextBlocks上的Foreground颜色将正确显示。

How to get the binding to work with this setup? 如何获得绑定才能使用此设置?

Analysis 分析

It seems the root cause — binding to an instance of the string type instead of an instance of the Brush type. 看来是根本原因-绑定到string类型的实例而不是Brush类型的实例。

Some of the possible solutions: 一些可能的解决方案:

  1. Change the type of the TextColor property of the MapViewModel class to from the string type to the SolidColorBrush type and update the implementation of the MapViewModel class appropriately. MapViewModel类的TextColor属性的类型从string类型更改为SolidColorBrush类型,并适当地更新MapViewModel类的实现。
  2. Create custom implementation of the IValueConverter interface which takes the string as the input and outputs an instance of the SolidColorBrush type. 创建IValueConverter接口的自定义实现,该接口将string作为输入并输出SolidColorBrush类型的实例。

What version of .NET are you using? 您正在使用什么版本的.NET? Works fine with 4.5 but IIRC it didn't with earlier versions and you had to declare a solidcolorbrush explicitly: 在4.5上可以正常工作,但IIRC在早期版本中则不能,您必须显式声明一个solidcolorbrush:

<Style TargetType="Grid">
    <Setter Property="TextElement.Foreground">
            <SolidColorBrush Color="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type Window}}, Path=DataContext.TextColor}" />

Whatever you do don't create a brush or any other UI resources in your viewmodel, it's a violation of MVVM. 无论您如何在视图模型中不创建画笔或其他任何UI资源,都违反了MVVM。

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