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[英]Python quick search in numpy array

Does Numpy have a function for quick search of element in 2D array and return its indexes? Numpy是否具有在2D数组中快速搜索元素并返回其索引的功能? Mean for example: 均值例如:

array([[ 0,  1,  2,  3],
      [ 4,  5,  54,  7],
      [ 8,  9, 10, 11]])

So equal value will be array[1][2] . 所以相等的值将是array[1][2] Of course I can make it using simple loops- but I want something similar to: 当然,我可以使用简单的循环来实现它-但我想要类似的东西:

   if 54 in arr
In [4]: import numpy as np 

In [5]: my_array = np.array([[ 0,  1,  2,  3],
                             [ 4,  5,  54,  7],
                             [8, 54, 10, 54]])

In [6]: my_array
array([[ 0,  1,  2,  3],
       [ 4,  5, 54,  7],
       [ 8, 54, 10, 54]])

In [7]: np.where(my_array == 54) #indices of all elements equal to 54
Out[7]: (array([1, 2, 2]), array([2, 1, 3])) #(row_indices, col_indices)

In [10]: temp = np.where(my_array == 54)

In [11]: zip(temp[0], temp[1])   # maybe this format is what you want
Out[11]: [(1, 2), (2, 1), (2, 3)]

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