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[英]How to handle events simpler in javascript?

As a beginner with javascript, I am following this tutorial . 作为javascript的初学者,我正在关注本教程 At the top of that page simple forms and the use of an event handler is explained, while at the bottom of the page an exercise to create a simple calculator is given calculator.html . 在该页面的顶部解释了简单的形式和事件处理程序的用法,而在页面的底部给出了创建简单计算器的练习Calculator.html

I have come up with a very cumbersome solution to handle events when a number or operation is pressed. 我想出了一个非常麻烦的解决方案来处理按下数字或操作时的事件。 Here is what I have implemented: 这是我已经实现的:

function pressingNumber(number) {
    document.getElementById("calc-output").innerHTML = number;

function press1() {pressingNumber(1);}
function press2() {pressingNumber(2);}
function press3() {pressingNumber(3);}
var button1 = document.getElementById("button-1");
var button2 = document.getElementById("button-2");
var button3 = document.getElementById("button-3");
button1.onclick = press1;    
button2.onclick = press2;
button3.onclick = press3;

Is this the way to go? 这是要走的路吗? Is there a simpler way? 有没有更简单的方法? I tried the following syntax which does not seem to work: 我尝试了以下似乎无效的语法:

function pressingNumber(number) {
    document.getElementById("calc-output").innerHTML = number;

var button1 = document.getElementById("button-1");
var button2 = document.getElementById("button-2");
var button3 = document.getElementById("button-3");
button1.onclick = pressingNumber(1);    
button2.onclick = pressingNumber(2);
button3.onclick = pressingNumber(3);

Look at this line of code: 查看以下代码行:

button1 = document.getElementById("button-1");

What does it do? 它有什么作用? It calls the function document.getElementById and assigns its return value to button1 . 它调用函数document.getElementById并将其返回值分配给button1

Now look at this line of code: 现在看一下这行代码:

button1.onclick = pressingNumber(1);

What does this do? 这是做什么的? It calls the function pressingNumber and assigns its return value to button1.onclick . 调用函数 pressingNumber 并将其返回值分配button1.onclick

So what does pressingNumber(1) return? 那么, pressingNumber(1)返回什么? Well, nothing, since pressingNumber has no return statement. 好吧,什么都没有,因为pressingNumber没有return语句。

So you're assigning nothing to button1.onclick , and then wondering... why is it doing nothing? 因此,您没有button1.onclick分配任何 button1.onclick ,然后想知道...为什么它什么也不做? ;) ;)

One of the things you'll learn is that if you just read your code aloud, explaining what it does step by step, you'll quickly solve your own problems. 您将学到的一件事是,只要大声阅读代码,一步一步地解释代码的作用,就可以快速解决自己的问题。 I have a rubber duck on my desk that I explain things to, and most of the time that's all I need to solve a problem. 我的桌子上放着一只橡皮鸭,向我解释事情,而在大多数情况下,这是解决问题所需要的。

In this case, you want to stick with the original code. 在这种情况下,您要坚持原始代码。 It assigns the function itself , it doesn't call it. 分配函数本身 ,但不调用它。 It is only called when onclick triggers. 仅在onclick触发时调用。

Note that onclick events always come with a link to the div that triggered the event. 请注意,onclick事件始终带有指向触发该事件的div的链接。 You should make use of that to capture which button was clicked. 您应该利用它来捕获单击了哪个按钮。 e in below function will refer to the clickevent. 以下函数中的e将引用clickevent。 e.target will refer to the div, e.target.id will refer to the id of said div. e.target将引用div,e.target.id将引用所述div的ID。

function buttonClicked(e){
    console.log('clicked in',document.getElementById(e.target.id).parentNode.id);

You could then attach said function to your div like so. 然后,您可以像这样将上述函数附加到div上。

document.getElementById(buttonDivName).addEventListener("click", buttonClicked)

In this particular case, this is your shortest method 在这种情况下,这是您最短的方法

<input type="button" value="1" onclick="pressNumber(1)">
<input type="button" value="2" onclick="pressNumber(2)">

function pressNumber(number) {
    document.getElementById("calc-output").innerHTML = number;

The problem in your original code was that you are calling a function with () in a place where you have to assign a function. 原始代码中的问题在于,您必须在必须分配函数的地方使用()调用函数。

You can use 您可以使用

button1.addEventListener("click", pressingNumber(1));
button2.addEventListener("click", pressingNumber(2));
button3.addEventListener("click", pressingNumber(3));

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