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[英]How to display the names over named ranges in Excel?

I accidentally dicovered that Excel 2010 can automatically display the names of named regions over them as some kind of an overlay layer: 我意外发现Excel 2010可以自动将命名区域的名称显示为某种覆盖层:

Excel 2010在其各自区域显示命名范围

Based on my findings this occurs if two conditions are met: 根据我的发现,如果满足两个条件,就会发生这种情况:

  • the view zoom level is not greater than 39% 视图缩放级别不大于39%
  • the name defines a range that is bigger than a single cell (but is still a single area) 名称定义的范围大于单个单元格(但仍是单个区域)

Did you know this? 你知道吗 Is this a bug or a feature? 这是错误还是功能?

How could I intentionally turn on this feature at possibly any zoom level? 我怎么可能在任何缩放级别上有意地打开此功能?

Interesting result; 有趣的结果; I found so little on it that your post was on the first page of Bing's search results. 我发现它的内容很少,因此您的帖子位于必应搜索结果的第一页上。 It seems per here: http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/119051-dont-display-range-name-when-zooming.html that even though there is a command to make that name not appear when zoomed below 40%, there does not seem to be a command to change the threshold from 40% to something else. 似乎在这里: http : //www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/119051-dont-display-range-name-when-zooming.html即使有命令使该名称在以下情况下也不会出现缩放到40%以下,似乎没有命令将阈值从40%更改为其他值。

You could perhaps use VBA code to move translucent word art shapes to align with the top left cell in any named range, but seems like a lot of work unless you have a specific payoff in mind. 您也许可以使用VBA代码移动半透明的字形,以使其与任何命名范围内的左上方单元格对齐,但是除非您有明确的想法,否则似乎需要做很多工作。

This post mentioned by @Grade was trying to remove the named watermark (attempting to coin a term here), but had only slight success with this macro: @Grade提到的这篇帖子试图删除命名的水印 (试图在此处创造一个术语),但是此宏仅取得了少许成功:

Sub Hide_Names() 
Dim iName As Name 

For Each iName In ThisWorkbook.Names 
    iName.Visible = False 
Next iName 
End Sub

This thread here (same forum) from 2002 was trying to answer your question, but go no answers... which means this feature was in Excel 2000 and is still poorly documented. 这个线程来自2002年(同一论坛),试图回答您的问题,但是没有答案……这意味着该功能在Excel 2000中仍然没有得到很好的记录。

I just searched through all the Excel objects and Interop libraries for name , zoom , and watermark and found nothing resembling this feature. 我只是在所有Excel对象和Interop库中搜索了namezoomwatermark ,却没有发现任何类似于此功能的东西。 Hopefully someone smarter can shed some light, but I think your answer is simply "no." 希望更聪明的人能有所启发,但我认为您的回答是“不”。

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