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[英]Can't verify app on iPhone when I want to run my own app iOS9

I created an app using Xcode and I want to run it on my iPhone instead of the simulators. 我使用Xcode创建了一个应用,我想在iPhone上而不是模拟器上运行它。 The app has successfully installed in the phone, but when I click it it says "untrusted developer", xCode gives error "Process launch failed: security". 该应用程序已成功安装在手机中,但是当我单击它时,它显示“不受信任的开发人员”,xCode给出错误“进程启动失败:安全性”。 So I went to Settings> General> Profile on my phone and I trusted the app, however the application is listed as "Not Verified" and when I click "verify app" nothing happens, and I still can't run the app. 因此,我在手机上转到“设置”>“常规”>“个人资料”,我信任该应用程序,但是该应用程序被列为“未验证”,当我单击“验证应用程序”时,什么也没有发生,并且我仍然无法运行该应用程序。

There are some procedures you need to follow to install the build in iOS 9 using Free provisioning 您需要遵循一些步骤才能使用免费配置在iOS 9中安装内部版本

  1. Open the XCode->Preference->Accounts 打开XCode->首选项->帐户
  2. Click the + button in the bottom left, add your apple id 单击左下方的+按钮,添加您的Apple ID
  3. Your apple id is now added. 您的Apple ID已添加。 Click your apple ID, tap the 'View Details' in the right side detail. 单击您的Apple ID,然后点击右侧详细信息中的“查看详细信息”。
  4. Click the 'create' button near the iOS Develoment identity. 点击iOS开发者身份旁边的“创建”按钮。
  5. Then goto your project setting, search for code signing identity, change its value to 'iOS Development' 然后转到您的项目设置,搜索代码签名身份,将其值更改为“ iOS Development”
  6. Run the app again, Verify/Trust if necessary 再次运行该应用,必要时验证/信任

I've had this problem a few times. 我有几次这个问题。 The issue seems to be on Apple's side - verifying apps requires a connection to their server, which was down earlier today. 问题似乎出在苹果方面-验证应用程序是否需要与服务器的连接,该服务器今天早些时候已关闭。 It should be up now (at the time of this posting). 现在应该了(在发布此信息时)。 Looks like you just have to wait it out when this happens, unfortunately. 不幸的是,看起来您只需要等待即可。

I usually encounter this problem when using a web proxy that intercepts SSL connections using a custom certificate (fe Burp or company proxy). 在使用通过自定义证书(例如Burp或公司代理)拦截SSL连接的Web代理时,我通常会遇到此问题。

When installing the app, the following happens (I think): 安装应用程序时,会发生以下情况(我认为):

  1. XCode builds & installs the application XCode构建并安装应用程序
  2. iOS automatically tries to verify the app iOS自动尝试验证应用
  3. iOS uses SSL pinning and therefore can't validate the app iOS使用SSL固定,因此无法验证应用
  4. When you press "validate app" now, the internal state is somewhat corrupted 当您现在按“验证应用程序”时,内部状态有些损坏

So in my case, I had to take the following steps: 因此,就我而言,我必须采取以下步骤:

  1. Connect directly to the internet without proxy 无需代理即可直接连接到互联网
  2. Install the application 安装应用程序
  3. Settings -> Profiles -> my profile -> Trust developer 设置->个人资料->我的个人资料->信任开发者
  4. The app is already automatically validated 该应用程序已自动验证
  5. Switch to the proxied network 切换到代理网络
  6. Launch app 启动应用

I do believe this is some kind of bug in iOS where the validation state is somewhat corrupted because of failed SSL pinning. 我确实相信这是iOS中的一种错误,由于SSL固定失败,验证状态有些损坏。

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