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[英]Can't find the generated APK file

I followed the instructions here.. 我按照这里的指示进行。

How do I export a project in the Android studio? 如何在Android Studio中导出项目?

I name my .jks file with Test1 but cant find any Test1.apk file in my project folder neither do i find a BIN folder... 我将我的.jks文件命名为Test1,但在项目文件夹中找不到任何Test1.apk文件,也找不到BIN文件夹...

Open the project in file explorer and go to : \\app\\build\\outputs . 在文件资源管理器中打开项目,然后转到: \\app\\build\\outputs You should see the apk folder there. 您应该在那里看到apk文件夹。

The .jks file is a keystore, the next step in the answer you link is the one which generates the actual .apk, there is a path to where it is going to be put right there in the top textbox. .jks文件是一个密钥库,链接到您的答案的下一步是生成实际的.apk的文件,在顶部文本框中有一个将其放置在其中的路径。 ( Destination APK path: ) Destination APK path:

As you mention that you generated the .jks, you can just go Build -> Generate signed APK... now, fill in the passwords, chose your Test1.jks and try again. 正如您提到的那样,您已经生成了.jks,您可以立即转到Build-> Generatesigned APK ...,输入密码,选择Test1.jks,然后重试。 If this does not work, try unchecking the ProGuard tickbox. 如果这不起作用,请尝试取消选中ProGuard复选框。

Also, the default name for your .apk is not the keystore name, but your app name. 另外,.apk的默认名称不是密钥库名称,而是您的应用程序名称。

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