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[英]Reuse forms authentication cookie

I have a slightly strange scenario, but a problem that needs solving all the same! 我有一个稍微奇怪的场景,但是这个问题需要全部解决!

Please note, the websites described below are on different top level domains 请注意,以下所述的网站位于不同的顶级域中

I have two web applications, 1 ASP.NET MVC, and another in PHP, both on separate domains. 我有两个Web应用程序,一个是ASP.NET MVC,另一个是PHP,都在单独的域中。 Lets call them asp.com and php.com. 让我们称它们为asp.com和php.com。 Users authenticate on asp.com, and therefore have an authcookie set by ASP.NET. 用户在asp.com上进行身份验证,因此具有由ASP.NET设置的authcookie。

Now the php.com website fetches data via a rest service from asp.com. 现在,php.com网站通过rest服务从asp.com获取数据。 This rest service authenticates via the same mechanism, so when I call this rest service via javascript JSONP from php.com it works fine. 该rest服务通过相同的机制进行身份验证,因此当我通过php.com的javascript JSONP调用此rest服务时,它可以正常工作。 However I wish to call the same REST service from the server in PHP. 但是我希望从PHP服务器中调用相同的REST服务。

Is it possible to somehow get the asp.com website to copy and set an authcookie for php.com (the domain is known and trusted), and then in the PHP code pass this cookie on to athenticate against the REST service on asp.com? 是否有可能以某种方式使asp.com网站复制并为php.com设置authcookie(该域是已知且受信任的),然后在PHP代码中将此cookie传递给asp.com上的REST服务?

It doesn't need to be the exact AUTH cookie, I could create a new cookie with the relevant session key, an long as a valid authcookie could be created and submitted to the REST service. 它不必是确切的AUTH cookie,只要可以创建有效的authcookie并将其提交给REST服务,我就可以使用相关的会话密钥创建一个新的cookie。

Questions 问题

  1. Is this possible? 这可能吗?
  2. How do I set the cookie for php.com in asp.com? 如何在asp.com中为php.com设置cookie?
  3. Short of one of the domains becoming compromised, are there any security concerns? 如果其中一个域遭到破坏,是否存在安全方面的担忧?
  1. No 没有

  2. The first site, asp.com, will have to redirect to a page in php.com. 第一个站点asp.com将必须重定向到php.com中的页面。 Then php.com can set the cookie itself, and redirect back to asp.com. 然后php.com可以设置cookie本身,然后重定向回asp.com。

  3. Yes, which is why you can't do it. 是的,这就是为什么您不能这样做。

Also, see this answer . 另外,请参阅此答案

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