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[英]Split words and remove duplicates

Okay I fixed the previous error. 好吧,我修复了先前的错误。 Thank you, but now when I want to ask the user if they want to play again, I run the print menu function, but it skips over the "Enter a sentence" statement... Any ideas why? 谢谢,但是现在当我想问用户是否想再次玩游戏时,我运行了打印菜单功能,但是它跳过了“输入句子”语句...为什么有任何想法? Thank you in advance. 先感谢您。

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>
#include <sstream>
#include <set>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

void clearScreen();
void printMenu();
int main()
    string s;
    char selection;
    string w;
    string buf;
    char select2;

    cout << "Enter a paragraph or a sentence : " ; //Get sentence 

    getline(cin, s);

    cout << "" << endl;

    cout << "                 Menu          " << endl;
    cout <<"        ------------------------" << endl;
    cout << "" << endl;
    cout << "A -- Convert paragraph to all caps " << endl;
    cout << "B -- Convert paragraph to all lowercase " << endl;
    cout << "C -- Delete whitespaces " << endl;
    cout << "D -- Split words & remove duplicates " << endl;
    cout << "E -- Search a certain word " << endl;
    cout << "" << endl;
    cout << "Please select one of the above: " ; //Get selection 
    cin >> selection;
    cout << "" << endl;
    stringstream ss(s);// Insert the string into a stream
    vector<string> tokens;// Create vector to hold words 
    switch (selection) //Switch statement
        //If A is chose convert to uppercase 
        case 'a':
        case 'A': cout << "You chose to convert the paragraph to all uppercase" << endl;
                  cout << "" << endl;
                  for(int i=0; s[i]!='\0'; i++)
                    cout << "This is it: " << s << endl;
                    cout << "" << endl;
                    cout <<"Would you like to try another? Y/N \n ";
                        cin >> select2;
                        clearScreen ();
                         if (select2 == 'Y' || select2 == 'y')
                             printMenu (); 
                          else if (select2 != 'Y' || select2 != 'y')

        case 'b':
        case 'B':
                  //If B is chose convert to lowercase 
                  cout << "You chose to convert the paragragh to all lowercase" << endl;
                  cout << "" << endl;
                  for (int i=0; s[i] !='\0'; i++)
                    cout << "This is it: " << s << endl;
                    cout << "" << endl;
                    cout <<"Would you like to try another? Y/N \n ";
                        cin >> select2;
                        clearScreen ();
                         if (select2 == 'Y' || select2 == 'y')
                             printMenu (); 
                          else if (select2 != 'Y' || select2 != 'y')

        case 'c':
        case 'C': 
                  //If C is chosen delete spaces 
                  cout << "You chose to delete the whitespaces in the paragraph" << endl;
                  cout << "" << endl;
                  for(int i=0; i<s.length(); i++)
                    if(s[i] == ' ') s.erase(i,1);
                  cout <<"This is it: " << s << endl;
                  cout << "" << endl;
                  cout <<"Would you like to try another? Y/N \n ";
                        cin >> select2;
                        clearScreen ();
                         if (select2 == 'Y' || select2 == 'y')
                             printMenu (); 
                          else if (select2 != 'Y' || select2 != 'y')
        case 'd':
        case 'D': 
                  //If D is chosen split words and remove duplicates 
                  cout << "You chose to split the words & remove the duplicates in the paragraph" << endl;
                  cout << "" << endl;

                  while (ss >> buf)
                    if(find(tokens.begin(), tokens.end(), buf) == tokens.end())
                  cout << "This is it: " << endl;
                  for (vector<string>::iterator it = tokens.begin(); it != tokens.end(); ++it)
                  cout << "- " << *it << " " << endl;
                  cout << "" << endl;

                  cout << "" << endl;
                  cout << "" << endl;
                  cout <<"Would you like to try another? Y/N \n ";
                        cin >> select2;
                        clearScreen ();
                         if (select2 == 'Y' || select2 == 'y')
                             printMenu (); 
                          else if (select2 != 'Y' || select2 != 'y')

        case 'e':
        case 'E': 
                  //If E is chosen allow the user to search for a word 
                  cout << "You chose to search for a certain word in the paragraph. " << endl;
                  cout << "" << endl;
                  cout << "Enter the word you want to search for: ";
                  cin >> w;
                  cout << "" << endl;

                  if ( s.find( w ) != std::string::npos )
                      cout << w << " was found in the paragraph. " << endl;

                    cout << w << " was not found in the paragraph. " << endl;
                 cout << "" << endl;
                 cout <<"Would you like to try another? Y/N \n ";
                        cin >> select2;
                        clearScreen ();
                         if (select2 == 'Y' || select2 == 'y')
                             printMenu (); 
                          else if (select2 != 'Y' || select2 != 'y')


    return 0;

//Function prologue
    * clearScreen ()                                                     *
    * The purpose of this function is to clear the screen!               *

    //This clears the screen 
    void clearScreen()
        cout << "\33[H\33[2J"; 
        // clears the screen

 //Function prologue 
    * printMenu()                                                        *
    * The purpose of this function is to print the menu again if         *
    * the user selects Y or y!                                           *

    void printMenu()
    string s;
    char selection;
    string w;
    string buf;
    char select2;

    cout << "Enter a paragraph or a sentence : " ; //Get sentence 
    getline(cin, s);

    cout << "" << endl;

    cout << "                 Menu          " << endl;
    cout <<"        ------------------------" << endl;
    cout << "" << endl;
    cout << "A -- Convert paragraph to all caps " << endl;
    cout << "B -- Convert paragraph to all lowercase " << endl;
    cout << "C -- Delete whitespaces " << endl;
    cout << "D -- Split words & remove duplicates " << endl;
    cout << "E -- Search a certain word " << endl;
    cout << "" << endl;
    cout << "Please select one of the above: " ; //Get selection 
    cin >> selection;
    cout << "" << endl;
    stringstream ss(s);// Insert the string into a stream
    vector<string> tokens;// Create vector to hold words 
    switch (selection) //Switch statement
        //If A is chose convert to uppercase 
        case 'a':
        case 'A': cout << "You chose to convert the paragraph to all uppercase" << endl;
                  cout << "" << endl;
                  for(int i=0; s[i]!='\0'; i++)
                    cout << "This is it: " << s << endl;
                    cout << "" << endl;
                    cout <<"Would you like to try another? Y/N \n ";
                        cin >> select2;
                        clearScreen ();
                         if (select2 == 'Y' || select2 == 'y')
                             printMenu (); 
                          else if (select2 != 'Y' || select2 != 'y')

        case 'b':
        case 'B':
                  //If B is chose convert to lowercase 
                  cout << "You chose to convert the paragragh to all lowercase" << endl;
                  cout << "" << endl;
                  for (int i=0; s[i] !='\0'; i++)
                    cout << "This is it: " << s << endl;
                    cout << "" << endl;
                    cout <<"Would you like to try another? Y/N \n ";
                        cin >> select2;
                        clearScreen ();
                         if (select2 == 'Y' || select2 == 'y')
                             printMenu (); 
                          else if (select2 != 'Y' || select2 != 'y')

        case 'c':
        case 'C': 
                  //If C is chosen delete spaces 
                  cout << "You chose to delete the whitespaces in the paragraph" << endl;
                  cout << "" << endl;
                  for(int i=0; i<s.length(); i++)
                    if(s[i] == ' ') s.erase(i,1);
                  cout <<"This is it: " << s << endl;
                  cout << "" << endl;
                  cout <<"Would you like to try another? Y/N \n ";
                        cin >> select2;
                        clearScreen ();
                         if (select2 == 'Y' || select2 == 'y')
                             printMenu (); 
                          else if (select2 != 'Y' || select2 != 'y')
        case 'd':
        case 'D': 
                  //If D is chosen split words and remove duplicates 
                  cout << "You chose to split the words & remove the duplicates in the paragraph" << endl;
                  cout << "" << endl;

                  while (ss >> buf)
                    if(find(tokens.begin(), tokens.end(), buf) == tokens.end())
                  cout << "This is it: " << endl;
                  for (vector<string>::iterator it = tokens.begin(); it != tokens.end(); ++it)
                  cout << "- " << *it << " " << endl;
                  cout << "" << endl;

                  cout << "" << endl;
                  cout << "" << endl;
                  cout <<"Would you like to try another? Y/N \n ";
                        cin >> select2;
                        clearScreen ();
                         if (select2 == 'Y' || select2 == 'y')
                             printMenu (); 
                          else if (select2 != 'Y' || select2 != 'y')

        case 'e':
        case 'E': 
                  //If E is chosen allow the user to search for a word 
                  cout << "You chose to search for a certain word in the paragraph. " << endl;
                  cout << "" << endl;
                  cout << "Enter the word you want to search for: ";
                  cin >> w;
                  cout << "" << endl;

                  if ( s.find( w ) != std::string::npos )
                      cout << w << " was found in the paragraph. " << endl;

                    cout << w << " was not found in the paragraph. " << endl;
                 cout << "" << endl;
                 cout <<"Would you like to try another? Y/N \n ";
                        cin >> select2;
                        clearScreen ();
                         if (select2 == 'Y' || select2 == 'y')
                             printMenu (); 
                          else if (select2 != 'Y' || select2 != 'y')


The issue isn't your loop and how you're printing each word out, it's how you are removing the duplicates. 问题不是循环,而是如何打印每个单词,而是如何删除重复项。 Inserting each word into a set isn't going to preserve the original order they were input in. The reason your output isn't correct when you print the words out in the loop is because of this line: tokens.insert(buf); 将每个单词插入到集合中并不会保留它们输入的原始顺序。在循环中打印单词时,输出不正确的原因是由于以下这一行: tokens.insert(buf); where tokens as declared as set<string> tokens; 其中的标记被声明为set<string> tokens;

You even have a comment that says "Create vector to hold our words" and that is what you should've done because the vector will preserve the order if you just use its ".push_back()" member function along with the "find( )" function to prevent duplicates from being inserted. 您甚至有一条注释,上面写着“创建向量来容纳我们的话”,这是您应该做的,因为如果您只使用其“ .push_back()”成员函数和“ find( )”功能,以防止插入重复项。

How I fixed it: 我如何解决它:

  1. set<string> tokens; -> vector<string> tokens; -> vector<string> tokens;

  2. while (ss >> buf) { // check to make sure vector doesn't contain "buf" if(find(tokens.begin(), tokens.end(), buf) == tokens.end()) tokens.push_back(buf); }

    1. for(set<string>::iterator it = tokens.begin(); it != tokens.end(); ++it) -> for(vector<string>::iterator it = tokens.begin(); it != tokens.end(); ++it) for(set<string>::iterator it = tokens.begin(); it != tokens.end(); ++it) -> for(vector<string>::iterator it = tokens.begin(); it != tokens.end(); ++it)

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