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[英]How to convert a binary String to a decimal string in Java

I was working on a homework and thought I had finished but the teacher told me that it wasn't what he was looking for so I need to know how I can convert a binary number that is stored as a String to a decimal string without using any built-in function outside of length(), charAt(), power function, and floor/ceiling in Java. 我当时正在做作业,以为我完成了,但是老师告诉我这不是他要找的东西,所以我需要知道如何在不使用字符串的情况下将以字符串形式存储的二进制数转换为十进制字符串Java中length(),charAt(),power函数和floor / ceiling之外的任何内置函数。

This is what I had on the beginning. 这就是我刚开始的时候。

import java.util.Scanner;

public class inclass2Fall15Second {
    public static void convertBinaryToDecimalString() {
        Scanner myscnr = new Scanner(System.in);

        int decimal = 0;

        String binary;
        System.out.println("Please enter a binary number: ");
        binary = myscnr.nextLine();
        decimal = Integer.parseInt(binary, 2);
        System.out.println("The decimal number that corresponds to " + binary + " is " + decimal);

    public static void main (String[] args) {

To convert a base 2 (binary) representation to base 10 (decimal), multiply the value of each bit with 2^(bit position) and sum the values. 要将基数2(二进制)表示转换为基数10(十进制),请将每个位的值与2 ^(位位置)相乘,然后求和。

eg 1011 -> (1 * 2^0) + (1 * 2^1) + (0 * 2^2) + (1 * 2^3) = 1 + 2 + 0 + 8 = 11 例如1011->(1 * 2 ^ 0)+(1 * 2 ^ 1)+(0 * 2 ^ 2)+(1 * 2 ^ 3)= 1 + 2 + 0 + 8 = 11

Since binary is read from right-to-left (ie LSB (least significant bit) is on the rightmost bit and MSB (most-significant-bit) is the leftmost bit), we traverse the string in reverse order. 由于二进制是从右向左读取的(即LSB(最低有效位)在最右边,MSB(最高有效位)在最左边),因此我们以相反的顺序遍历字符串。

To get the bit value, subtract '0' from the char. 要获取位值,请从字符中减去“ 0”。 This will subtract the ascii value of the character with the ascii value of '0', giving you the integer value of the bit. 这将用ASCII值“ 0”减去字符的ASCII值,从而获得该位的整数值。

To calculate 2^(bit position), we can keep a count of the bit position, and increment the count on each iteration. 要计算2 ^(位位置),我们可以保留位位置的计数,并在每次迭代时增加计数。 Then we can just do 1 << count to obtain the value for 2 ^ (bit position). 然后我们可以做1 <<计数以获得2 ^(位位置)的值。 Alternatively, you could do Math.pow(2, count) as well, but the former is more efficient, since its just a shift-left instruction. 另外,您也可以执行Math.pow(2,count),但是前者效率更高,因为它只是一个左移指令。

Here's the code that implements the above: 这是实现以上内容的代码:

public static int convertBinStrToInt(String binStr) {
    int dec = 0, count = 0;
    for (int i = binStr.length()-1; i >=0; i--) {
        dec += (binStr.charAt(i) - '0') * (1 << count++);

    return dec;

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