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[英]React event handler not removed

I have a click event handler in my React component and wish to remove the event handler when hideLeft occurs, but am unable to do so with $(document).unbind('click', this.hideLeft.bind(this)) .我的 React 组件中有一个 click 事件处理程序,并希望在hideLeft发生时删除该事件处理程序,但我无法使用$(document).unbind('click', this.hideLeft.bind(this)) Currently can only remove the click event handler by doing $(document).unbind('click') .目前只能通过执行$(document).unbind('click')来删除点击事件处理程序。

How can I avoid this and only remove click event handlers associated with the hideLeft function?如何避免这种情况,只删除与hideLeft函数关联的点击事件处理程序?

class Header extends Component {
    constructor(props, context) {
        super(props, context); 
        this.state = {
            panel_visible: false

    logOut() {
        console.log('logged out');

    hideLeft(event) {
        if (!$(event.target).closest('.menu').length) {
                panel_visible: false

    showLeft() {
            panel_visible: true
        $(document).bind('click', this.hideLeft.bind(this));    

    render() {
       return (
                    <header className='app-header'>
                      <LeftPanel visibility={this.state.panel_visible} showLeft={e => this.showLeft()} 
                        hideLeft={e => this.hideLeft()} />
                      <button onClick={e => this.showLeft()}>Show Left Menu!</button>
                      <button className='btn btn-default logout' onClick={e => this.logOut()}>Log Out</button>
                      <h1>Some header </h1>

I'm doing this using vanilla js methods addEventListener and removeEventListener .我正在使用 vanilla js 方法addEventListenerremoveEventListener这样做。


document.addEventListener('click', this.hideLeft.bind(this));


document.removeEventListener('click', this.hideLeft.bind(this));

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