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[英]Exit nested function with Python

I am writing a Python script to read a text file, that is updated every hour, parce some data from it and then write to a csv file. 我正在编写一个Python脚本来读取一个文本文件,该文件每小时更新一次,从中删除一些数据,然后写入csv文件。 I can parce the data and write to the csv no problem. 我可以将数据进行整理并写入csv没问题。 I am trying to implement the ability to make a new csv file for each day, so that the files stay small enough for a human to read to and allow for easy searching on past data.I also want to name that csv with the date. 我正在尝试实现每天创建一个新的csv文件的功能,以便使文件足够小以方便人类阅读并允许轻松搜索过去的数据。我还想用日期命名该csv。 Again That part works. 再次,那部分工作。 My script reads the time stamp of the text file and parses it into a string. 我的脚本读取文本文件的时间戳,并将其解析为字符串。 I also have a parsed time string saved to a text file that way I can compare. 我还将解析后的时间字符串保存到文本文件中,以便进行比较。 The problem I have is that even if the date is the same and the time is the same my script will still write the same data to the csv instead of exiting the script until next time it is run under cron. 我的问题是,即使日期相同且时间相同,我的脚本仍会将相同的数据写入csv,而不是退出脚本,直到下一次在cron下运行。 The line that I believe is the problem is line 16. I feel that it is the problem because when it compares the two strings it should find that they are the same and the script should exit. 我认为问题所在的行是第16行。我认为这是问题所在,因为当比较两个字符串时,它应该发现它们是相同的,并且脚本应该退出。 However, it does not do this and continues to write the script anyway. 但是,它不会这样做,并且仍会继续编写脚本。 This may not be the problem and the real problem may be some where else, but I am not experienced enough to find the flaw. 这可能不是问题,真正的问题可能在其他地方,但是我没有足够的经验来找到缺陷。 I have been researching this problem for over a week and tried searching every possible problem I could think of and none have resolved the issue. 我已经研究了这个问题一个多星期,并尝试搜索我可能想到的每个可能的问题,但没有一个解决了这个问题。 Any help would be much appreciated. 任何帮助将非常感激。 I think I have everything commented well enough for peer review, let me know if I need to explain anything better. 我认为我对所有内容的评论都足够好,可以进行同行评审,如果需要更好地解释,请告诉我。

def date_check(new_date, save_date): # checks if date is the same
    if new_date != save_date: # if dates are not the same the call new_csv to make new csv
        new_csv(new_date) # pass date string of new file for file name  
    if new_date == save_date: # if the dates are the same then call time check      
        time_check(new_time, save_time) # pass variables to compare

def time_check(new_time, save_time): # function to check if time is the same    
    if new_time != save_time: # if times are not same then parce the data
        parcer(time_string, data) # pass time_string and data string to be appended 
    if new_time == save_time: # if times are the same then(same file) exit program
        sys.exit() # exit program completely, THIS PART DOES NOT WORK

Since this is the #1 search result in google for "exit nested function python", the answer to the question in the title is: 由于这是Google中“退出嵌套函数python”的第一搜索结果,因此标题中的问题的答案是:

Use sys.exit() eg 使用sys.exit()例如

import sys

def foo():
    print("Loading bar")

def bar():

def main():
    print("Loading foo")

if __name__ == '__main__':

I'm presuming that the OP solved their question since this was opened a year ago, if anyone is stuck with something similar it looks like new_time is never equal to save_time and so sys.exit() never gets evaluated. 我以为OP自一年前开放以来就解决了他们的问题,如果有人坚持使用类似的东西,它看起来new_time永远不会等于save_time,因此sys.exit()永远不会得到评估。

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