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为什么Postgres C库名为libpq而不是libpg?

[英]Why is the Postgres C library called libpq instead of libpg?

Everything in the Postgres world has common abbreviation pg , and it seems more logical to call Postgres' c-library libpg , rather than libpq . Postgres世界中的所有东西都有通用的缩写pg ,调用Postgres的c-library libpg而不是libpq似乎更合乎逻辑。 Why is it called libpq ? 为什么叫libpq Is libpg already taken by another tool? libpg已经被另一个工具占用了吗?

From https://pgolub.wordpress.com/2010/09/21/libpq-stands-for/ , credited to Bruce Momjian: 来自https://pgolub.wordpress.com/2010/09/21/libpq-stands-for/ ,记入Bruce Momjian:

Libpq is called 'libpq' because of the original use of the QUEL query language, ie lib Post-QUEL. Libpq被称为'libpq',因为最初使用了QUEL查询语言,即lib Post-QUEL。 We have a proud backward-compatibility history with this library. 我们对此库有着令人骄傲的向后兼容性历史。

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