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[英]Failed to run custom step with the selenium cucumber ruby

I am writing a test for desktop web automation using the selenium cucumber ruby . 我正在使用硒黄瓜红宝石编写用于桌面Web自动化的测试。 My test includes both predefined and custom steps. 我的测试包括预定义步骤和自定义步骤。

However, my test fails to run due to an error caused by a custom step. 但是,由于自定义步骤引起的错误,我的测试无法运行。

The feature file that I run: 我运行的功能文件:

Feature: Login a customer
    Scenario: Go in a call
        Given I navigate to <url>
        When I submit the form with id "custSearchSimple"
        And I wait for 5 sec
        Then element having id "accNumber" should be present

The When I submit the form with id "custSearchSimple" is a custom step. 当我提交I​​D为“ custSearchSimple”的表单时,这是一个自定义步骤。 This step is defined in the custom_step.rb. 此步骤在custom_step.rb中定义。 I have used the submit command of the Selenium Cucumber Ruby API . 我已经使用了Selenium Cucumber Ruby APISubmit命令。 The custom_step.rb is the following file: custom_step.rb是以下文件:

    require 'selenium-cucumber'

    # Do Not Remove This File
    # Add your custom steps here
    # $driver is instance of webdriver use this instance to write your custom code

   #firefox browser instantiation
   driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox
   driver.navigate.to "https://localhost/telebet"

    When(/^I submit the form with id "(.*?)"$/) do |arg1|
         element= driver.submit(:id,"#{arg1}")

When I run the feature file by running cucumber features/name_of_the_file.feature, I get the NoMethodError error: 当我通过运行黄瓜功能/name_of_the_file.feature运行功能文件时,出现NoMethodError错误:

When I submit the form with id "custSearchSimple"                 # features/step_definitions/custom_steps.rb:12
  private method `submit' called for #<Selenium::WebDriver::Driver:0x94c4bde4bdff4d6 browser=:firefox> (NoMethodError)

I could not find any example using the Selenium Cucumber Ruby API for writing custom steps. 我找不到使用Selenium Cucumber Ruby API编写自定义步骤的任何示例。 I suspect that I might have omitted some commands for the selenium web driver ruby. 我怀疑我可能已经省略了一些用于Selenium Web驱动程序ruby的命令。 Something is missing that I could not find. 找不到我找不到的东西。 Does anyone know why I get this error? 有谁知道为什么我会收到此错误?

Maybe I am confused here but: 也许我很困惑,但是:

When(/^I submit the form with id "(.*?)"$/) do |arg1|
  submit_form arg1

def submit_form(form_id)
  submit("id", form_id)

Would do what you want? 你想做什么? submit_form isn't a cucumber step, it's a ruby method - probably why you're getting Cucumber::UndefinedDynamicStep . submit_form不是一个黄瓜步骤,而是一个红宝石方法-可能是为什么您得到Cucumber::UndefinedDynamicStep

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