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[英]Reading a float value from an external adress

i am trying to get a float value from an external adress.我正在尝试从外部地址获取浮点值。 To do this, i am using this code:为此,我正在使用此代码:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace Reader
    class Scanner
        static extern bool ReadProcessMemory(IntPtr hProcess, IntPtr lpBaseAddress, byte[] lpBuffer, UInt32 nSize, ref UInt32 lpNumberOfBytesRead);

    unsafe public static string[] getCharValues()
            Process[] pr = Process.GetProcessesByName("Prozess.exe");
            Process process = pr[0];
            uint baseAdress = (uint)process.MainModule.BaseAddress.ToInt32();
            uint o = 0;
            byte[] ret = new byte[10];
            if(!ReadProcessMemory(process.Handle, (IntPtr)(process.MainModule.BaseAddress+0x156CC38), ret, (UInt32)ret.Length, ref o))
                return new string[] {Marshal.GetLastWin32Error().TosTring()};
            return new string[] { BitConverter.ToSingle(ret, 0).ToString() };
            MessageBox.Show("Prozess ist vermutlich nicht geöffnet");
            return new string[] {""};

The returned string array is written down in a text box, but it is always 0. it should actually be about 8000 (that's the output of cheat engine) What am i doing wrong?返回的字符串数组写在一个文本框中,但它总是 0。它实际上应该是大约 8000(这是作弊引擎的输出)我做错了什么?

Error code is 299错误代码是 299

I just wrote this quickly but this is the idea:我只是很快写了这个,但这是一个想法:

public float ReadFloat(InPtr address, HANDLE pHandle)

    byte[] memory = new byte[4];

    if (ReadProcessMemory(pHandle, address, memory, (UIntPtr)4, IntPtr.Zero))
        float value = BitConverter.ToSingle(memory, 0);
        return value;
    return 0.0f;

If it's double precision, use 8 bytes for the array size, make sure you read 8 bytes and use Bitconverter.ToDouble(), and change float to double如果是双精度,请使用 8 个字节作为数组大小,确保读取 8 个字节并使用 Bitconverter.ToDouble(),并将 float 更改为 double

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