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[英]Rails: polymorphic associations

I am building an app with Rails 4. 我正在使用Rails 4构建应用程序。

I have an address model and a phone model. 我有一个地址模型和一个电话模型。 Each of them are defined as polymporphic with a number of other models, so that they can be used across the application- for example, a user has phone number, but so does a company. 它们中的每一个都被定义为带有多种其他模型的多形模型,因此它们可以在整个应用程序中使用-例如,用户拥有电话号码,而公司也是如此。 They numbers could be different. 他们的数字可能不同。 The company has an address and it can be used by the user as a default, or they can add another one as their own. 公司有一个地址,用户可以将其用作默认地址,或者他们可以添加另一个地址作为自己的地址。

In my code, I have an address model as: 在我的代码中,我有一个地址模型为:

class Address < ActiveRecord::Base

  geocoded_by :full_address_map   # can also be an IP address

  # --------------- associations

  belongs_to :addressable, :polymorphic => true

  # --------------- scopes

  # --------------- validations

  validates_presence_of :unit, :street, :zip, :country 

  # --------------- class methods

  def first_line
    [unit, street].join(' ')

  def middle_line
    if self.building.present? 

  def last_line
    [city, region, zip].join('   ')

  def country_name
    self.country = ISO3166::Country[country]
    country.translations[I18n.locale.to_s] || country.name

  def address_without_country
    [self.first_line, middle_line, last_line].compact.join(" ")

  def full_address_map
    [self.first_line, middle_line, last_line, country_name.upcase].compact.join("<br>").html_safe

  def full_address_formal
    [self.first_line, middle_line, last_line, country_name].compact.join(" ").html_safe

  # --------------- callbacks

  after_validation :geocode#, if  self.full_address.changed? 

  # --------------- instance methods

  # --------------- private methods



In my address _form partial, I have the form for users to complete. 在我的地址_form部分中,我有供用户填写的表单。

In my organisations model, I have: 在我的组织模型中,我有:

class Organisation < ActiveRecord::Base

  # --------------- associations

    has_one :user # the user that is the representative 
    has_many :profiles # the users who have roles within the org

    has_many :addresses, :as_addressable
    has_many :phones, :as_phoneable

  # --------------- scopes

  # --------------- validations

  # --------------- class methods

  def address

  # --------------- callbacks

  # --------------- instance methods

  # --------------- private methods


In my organisation controller, new action, I have: 在我的组织控制器中,新动作是:

def new
    @organisation = Organisation.new

When I try this, I have this error: 当我尝试此操作时,出现以下错误:

NoMethodError at /organisations/new
undefined method `arity' for :as_addressable:Symbol

In my address table, I have: 在我的地址表中,我有:

t.integer  "addressable_id"
t.string   "addressable_type"
add_index "addresses", ["addressable_type", "addressable_id"], name: "index_addresses_on_addressable_type_and_addressable_id", unique: true, using: :btree

I don't understand the nature of the error. 我不了解错误的性质。 What is this structure missing? 这种结构缺少什么?

Polymorphic associations require the as option in their declarations. 多态关联在其声明中需要as选项。

has_many :addresses, as: :addressable
has_many :phones, as: :phoneable

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