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fork 和 pipe 错误的文件描述符错误

[英]fork and pipe bad file descriptor error

I'm trying to write a basic shell, and in order to facilitate piping, I wrote the following function, where tokens is the line to be executed, and index is the location in tokens of a pipe character (for now, pipes require whitespace on either side).我正在尝试编写一个基本的shell,为了便于管道,我编写了以下函数,其中tokens是要执行的行, index是管道字符在tokens中的位置(目前,管道需要空格两边)。 Every time I run a piped command in the shell, both commands run as expected, but fail to write to/read from the pipe with the error "Bad file descriptor".每次我在 shell 中运行管道命令时,两个命令都按预期运行,但无法写入/读取管道并显示错误“文件描述符错误”。 The reason this is perplexing is that my file redirection works perfectly, so I can't understand why it's not working with the pipe.这令人困惑的原因是我的文件重定向工作完美,所以我不明白为什么它不能与管道一起工作。 I've read the docs and looked at some example code, and I can't think of anything I'm doing wrong.我已经阅读了文档并查看了一些示例代码,但我想不出我做错了什么。 After a few hours, I'm at a loss, where did I go wrong?几个小时后,我不知所措,我哪里出错了?

int pipeit(vector<string> tokens,unsigned int index){
    //separate the entire line into two delimited by the pipe
    vector<string> firstline;
    vector<string> secondline;
    for(unsigned int i=0;i<tokens.size();i++){
        else if(i<index){

    //make sure the lines aren't empty
      fprintf(stderr, "ERROR, expected at least one command at both ends of pipe\n");

    //open a pipe, check that it was successfully created
    int pip[2];
      perror("pipe failure");
      return -1;

    //attempt to fork
    int parentstatus=0;
    int childstatus=0;

      //fork failed, close the pipe and return -1 (failure)
      case -1:
          perror("fork failure");
          return -1;

      //pid of 0 indicates this is the child process
      case 0:
          //close the write end of the pipe and redirect stdin to the read end
          int stdIn=dup(0);

          //once redirect is done, can close the other end of the pipe

          //parse the second line as a list of commands (not important for question)
          //then restore stdin, close the old file descriptor pointing to the pipe

      //pid other than 0 indicates this is the parent process
          //close the read end of the pipe

          //redirect stdout to the write end of the pipe
          int stdOut=dup(1);

          //execute this line (not important for question)

          //restore stdout and close the temporary fd pointing to the pipe

          //wait for child process to exit and store it's return value in 'status' (then childstatus)
          int status;

    //return a combination of the parent and child's return status
    //(not standard, I know, just easy and irrelevant for the question)
    return childstatus & parentstatus;

tokens is just a space-delimited std::vector<string> that contains the commands to be executed (yeah you need to pad the '|' with spaces for this to work, don't worry about that just yet) and index is the place in the list where the '|' tokens只是一个以空格分隔的std::vector<string> ,其中包含要执行的命令(是的,您需要用空格填充 '|' 才能使其工作,暂时不要担心)并且index是列表中“|”所在的位置character was found, to make things easier.找到了性格,让事情变得更容易。 For the purposes of a runnable source file, just paste the above function definition at the bottom of:出于可运行源文件的目的,只需将上述函数定义粘贴到以下内容的底部:

#include <unistd.h> //pipe, dup2, fork
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int builtins = 0xf00; //not what this actually is, but that doesn't matter atm

using namespace std;

int pipeit(vector<string> tokens, unsigned int index);

void execute_line(vector<string> cmds, int biltins){
    cout << "Executing: " << endl;
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < cmds.size(); ++i){
        cout<<cmds[i]<< " ";
    cout << endl;

int main(){
    vector<string> cmds;
    cmds.push_back(new string("cmd1"));
    cmds.push_back(new string("|"));
    cmds.push_back(new string("cmd2"));
    return pipeit(cmds, 1);

The problem is that I was reading from the write end of the pipe and writing to the read end.问题是我从管道的写入端读取并写入读取端。 Whenever you use pipe(my_pipe) , my_pipe[0] is only for reading, and my_pipe[1] is only for writing.无论何时使用pipe(my_pipe)my_pipe[0]用于读取,而my_pipe[1]用于写入。 This doesn't mean my code works for infinite piping, for anybody else looking this up, but it does single pipes now.这并不意味着我的代码适用于无限管道,其他任何人都可以查看它,但它现在可以使用单个管道。
CTC: IRC user C-- CTC:IRC 用户 C--

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