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[英]How does an iPhone app interact with CouchDB?

I recently got an internship as an iOS developer and have been told to research on a couple of concepts. 我最近获得了一名iOS开发人员的实习机会,并被告知要研究几个概念。 I will be coding on an iOS application and my employer stated that they have a couchDB server which the iOS application will interact with to get the data. 我将在iOS应用程序上编码,我的雇主说他们有一个iOS应用程序将与之交互以获取数据的bedDB服务器。 They told me that the iOS app interacts with the node server to fetch data from the database. 他们告诉我,iOS应用程序与节点服务器进行交互以从数据库中获取数据。 I am a little confused on what they mean by node server? 我对节点服务器的含义感到有些困惑? Are they referring to the node server as in the couchDB database? 他们是否像在ouchDB数据库中一样引用节点服务器?

I understand this is a very general question and probably really bad, but if anyone can give me insight on how an iPhone application interacts with the node server that would be great. 我知道这是一个非常普遍的问题,可能确实很糟糕,但是如果有人可以让我深入了解iPhone应用程序如何与节点服务器进行交互,那将是很好的。

When deploying CouchDB in the wild it is common to not expose port 5984/6984 to the open internet, rather proxy requests to Couch via Nginx or a bespoke proxy app to handle: 在野外部署CouchDB时,通常不将端口5984/6984暴露给开放的Internet,而是通过Nginx或定制的代理应用程序向Couch发出代理请求以处理:

  • SSL Termination (mochiweb that ships with CouchDB does not handle newer cyphers as well) SSL终止(CouchDB随附的mochiweb也无法处理较新的密码)
  • Authentication (do you need to duplicate user accounts in Couch for eg?) 身份验证(例如,您是否需要在Couch中复制用户帐户?)
  • Access logging 访问日志
  • ...or other cross-cutting concerns you want to keep off your db server. ...或其他您想避免进入数据库服务器的跨领域问题。

NodeJs is a good choice for writing an app that proxys Couchdb to the open internet that is JSON & HTTP all the way down, as it were. 就像以前一样,NodeJs是编写将Couchdb代理到JSON和HTTP的开放Internet的应用程序的不错选择。 My guess is that is what your employer means. 我的猜测是您的雇主的意思。

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